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Villagers unite to fight plans to build on Calverton village precinct


Gedling Borough Council has received around 1,000 letters of objection to plans to create a retail and housing development on land in Calverton.

​Hundreds of other comments have also been submitted online by residents opposed to plans to build  on open land in St Wilfrid’s Square in the centre of Calverton – a scheme which has been branded “completely inappropriate” locally.

 Proposals include building four retail units and eight flats on currently open space.

Parish councillor Mike Hope told said: “The parish council and the village are very concerned about this development.
“I’ve been standing in the square on Saturday mornings and knocking on doors asking people about it, and I think I’ve come across just five people who think it ought to go ahead. More or less the whole village is against it.

“It completely closes in the precinct. At the moment it’s very much a 1970s development and not very pretty but adding this to it makes it even more unpleasant.
“We’ve got massive parking problems in Calverton and this actually takes eight spaces away for parking permits. People can’t park to go to the doctors, can’t park to go to the shops.
“It’s also one of the few open spaces in the village. We put the Christmas lights up there, it’s used and is valuable to the village. I would be sad to see it happen.”

If approved by the council, the open space would be redeveloped with a new block, sitting between the existing shops and Mansfield Lane.

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This would provide four new shops on the ground floor, with two levels of housing on top. The established trees on the site would be replaced with new ones along the building’s edge should the bid get the green light.

In the application from developer Wayshop1 (Tree) Limited, it says that “the scale of the proposed development respects that of the existing buildings in St Wilfrid’s Square” while adding measures had been taken to mitigate the new flats overlooking existing homes in the area, such as angled balconies covered with metal mesh.

​Calverton Parish Council discussed this application at its April meeting and has objected strongly to the plans.
A statement from the parish authority said: “The design, scale and materials of the proposed development are completely inappropriate.
“It would impact negatively on the built environment of the village centre, adversely affect current residents/businesses and harm Calverton’s Conservation Area and its setting.”

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  1. I Agree completely; absolutely with the comments from Parish council members within this topic above ,i also have concerns about the flats will these be HMO -houses in multiple occupation?


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