A run down property in Netherfield has been given a new lease of life after being transformed into a modern low-cost home in just four weeks.
The house in Dunstan Street is the second low-cost home to be completed in the town by local firm Think Big Developments.
To celebrate the competition of the works, the firm welcomed the local community to an open day on Friday and invited them on a tour of the recently renovated property.
Deputy Mayor of Gedling, Barbara Miller and the Sheriff of Nottingham, Glyn Jenkins also attended the event and were full of praise for the Dunstan Street transformation.
Working in partnership with New College Nottingham, the initiative provided twenty students with work experience and offered them the opportunity to showcase their skills.

As part of the company’s aim to promote the construction industry in a new light to younger generations, the students were presented with a certificate of completion during an awards ceremony on Friday and the possibility of an apprenticeship across future development schemes.
Project manager James O’Reilly said: “I was proud to be a part of developing the students’ skills throughout the project and provide them with an understanding of the building industry.
Their dedication and willingness to learn inspired me and I hope to work alongside them in the future”.

As part of the company’s strategy to boost the local economy, Think Big worked in partnership with local contractors including Pro Power Nottingham and Plasterers One Stop Shop Nottingham to support local business growth.
Louchavan Lemard, co-founder of Think Big Developments said: “The support we received from local contractors, New College Nottingham students and the community helped make our vision a reality.
I can’t thank them enough for their support throughout the project.”
Ryan Jeffers, joint co-founder of Think Big Developments said: “The Dunstan Street project provides the foundations for the company’s plan to expand the scheme nationwide.
“It was fantastic to celebrate our product and system of what Think Big Developments plan to implement on a national scale.
He added: “Many thanks to our special guests in supporting the event including the Deputy Mayor of Gedling, the Sheriff of Nottingham and Gedling Labour MP Vernon Coker.”
For more information on the company visit: www.thinkbigdevelopments.com
Wonderful initiative. Well done think big developments. I look forward to seeing more of your developments.