Thursday, March 6, 2025
11.7 C

People needed for ‘balsam bashing’ at Netherfield Lagoons


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MENACE: Himalayan Balsam
MENACE: Himalayan Balsam

Volunteers are being invited to help halt the spread of an invasive plant taking hold of a section of Ouse Dyke, near Netherfield Lagoons.

Gedling Conservation Trust are organising a ‘balsam bashing’ session on Saturday, March 19 in a bid to rid the area of Himalayan balsam.

The pink-flowered non-native species smothers riverside habitats, harms native plants and leaves banks bare and subject to erosion when it dies down.

It has to be pulled up before seed pods explode and spread along the river.

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The group will also be litter picking along the banks and the water during the event.

Those interested in taking part are being asked to meet at the end of Teal Close on Victoria Retail Park, at 2pm.

For more information contact Gedling Conservation Trust’s Mark Glover on 07850 768337, or email

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