Sunday, February 16, 2025
2.9 C

New fleet of bio-gas buses with free wi-fi and USB charging points arrive in Gedling borough


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NCT’s fleet of new buses with wifi and USB charging points has arrived

They may be red but they are also ‘green.

The Red 44 service is the latest route to benefit from a new fleet of Bio-gas buses which are being introduced by Nottingham City Transport.

Not only are the buses better for the environment, but passengers using the service – which covers Colwick, Netherfield and Gedling, can charge their phones using USB charge points and enjoy a free wi-fi service.

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The buses also boast glass staircases to add more light, new higher-quality comfy seats and also audio announcements giving journey information along the route.

The buses are also environmentally friendly too as they are fuelled by Bio-Gas.

Bio-gas is produced naturally through anaerobic digestion, using food waste, farm waste and sewage. The methane emitted from the digestion process is captured, treated and turned into fuel.

Anaerobic digestion doesn’t just produce bio-gas; it also produces a nutrient rich low carbon fertiliser, which helps farmers reduce agricultural greenhouse gas emissions.

A spokesman for Nottingham City Transport said: “Our brand new bio-gas buses are some of the greenest buses on the road and will make a significant reduction to our carbon footprint and improvement to the air quality in Nottingham.

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“Bio-gas is a much cleaner fuel to produce and use and these buses emit hardly any particulates (soot) or hydrocarbons. Using bio-gas buses generates a CO2 saving of 84% as well as tailpipe emissions that are cleaner than an equivalent Euro 6 double deck bus.

By fuelling our buses with bio-gas, we’re helping reduce the amount of food, farm and sewage waste going to landfill or not being reused, which produces high volumes of methane when left to decompose naturally. As methane is one of the most potent greenhouse gases, our bio-gas buses will reduce the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere.

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  1. These new buses might look good and yes u can charge ur phone whilst on a journey but no one put an effort in to think about the public using these buses they are useless the new seating is a joke there are a lot less seats and as for the drivers on the 44 they are so damn rude they never waif for the elderly to sit before pulling off a lady went flying just last week and the driver just shrugged. Also on Monday morning 21St I caught the 9.30 am bus from netherfield to colwick, bearing in mind vale road is closed so the temporary stop is just past the lights at mile end road,, well I pressed the bell twice but the driver didn’t stop so I asked why and he said ‘ cuz that ain’t a f****** stop for the 44 just the 44a,, I’ve been getting off at the stop for three weeks he then still carried on past the starting gate and he missed picking up two elderly ladies that we’re waiting at that stop I swore back at him to let me off now before I call and report him. I then had s long trek back to mile end road and was late and very tired as I am disabled so walking is difficult at any time I hope this situation will not happen again to anyone else, I don’t know why the drivers are so rude and disrespectful,, yet other buses ie, Barton buses the drivers all go above and beyond to help people.


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