Sunday, February 16, 2025
2.9 C

You might spot some familiar faces starring in these old 70s Persil commercials shot on Gedling street


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You might be able to spot some familiar faces taking centre stage in this series of detergent commercials from the 70s.

Washing powder giants Persil recruited several residents from Priory Road in Gedling to help sell detergent powder to the great unwashed back in the 1970s.

You can watch all the adverts below.

You will also spot some familiar Gedling landmarks amongst the archive footage – some still standing, others now long gone.

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One of the stars of these vitage commercials was Abi Michael.

Abi got in touch with Gedling Eye back in 2018 to share her memories about the adverts.

She left Gedling several years ago and now lives in Cornwall with her husband and young daughter.

PICTURED: Abi in the original Persil commercial from 1976
NOW: Abi pictured today with daughter Isabel

But despite becoming a familiar face to millions back in the seventies, Abi has no recollection of filming the popular commercials.

“I have no memory of it at all. I was about two at the time,” she said.

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“My mum said she was paid £25 for the commercial, so I asked her for my earnings plus interest after learning about the commercial from Gedling Eye

“We lived in Priory Crescent at the time and remained there until I was about 10. We then moved to Hucknall. I live in Cornwall now, as does my mum.”

The adverts now have a special place in Abi’s heart, as they also feature her beloved aunt – who has since passed away.

She told us: “My auntie is on one of them too. She passed away a few years ago, so it was lovely to remember her as she was when I was younger.

Were you in these adverts? Do you know anyone who was? If so, email

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Priory Road today…


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