Sunday, February 16, 2025
2.9 C

Humanitarian Centre in Carlton to be lit up blue tonight in recognition of NHS staff and key workers response to outbreak


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The outside of the Gedling Borough Council’s Humanitarian Centre in Carlton will be lit up blue as part of the nation’s recognition of our NHS staff and key workers who are working on the front line in response to the Coronavirus outbreak.

A 20ft banner thanking the NHS staff and key workers will be displayed on the side of the Richard Herrod Centre, Carton and it will be lit up blue on Thursday evening at 8pm to coincide with the national ‘clap for carers’ campaign. 

The Richard Herrod Centre has been transformed into a Giving for Gedling Humanitarian Centre and ‘super food bank’ distribution point as part of the council’s response to the outbreak. Council staff have been co-ordinating food parcel deliveries from the centre for residents who are vulnerable and elderly. They have also been collecting food to distribute to the local food banks.

The council has now raised over £23,000 in just six days and all of the money is going to local food banks who are struggling with an increase in demand and a reduction in supplies. The council has also pledged a further £20,000 to go towards the purchase of food from local suppliers to be distributed to food banks from the humanitarian centre. At the outset of the Coronavirus outbreak the council provided all of the local food banks with a £2,000 donation each to help with their efforts.

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The Leader and Deputy Leader of Gedling Borough Council will be at the centre on Thursday evening to take part in the clap for the NHS, carers and key workers, next to the building whilst ensuring they are adhering to the social distancing guidance set out by the government.

Leader of Gedling Borough Council, Councillor John Clarke and Deputy Leader, Councillor Michael Payne said in a joint statement:

“We want to show our appreciation to the incredibly brave efforts of our NHS staff, careers and all key workers including our own council staff. We will be lighting up our Humanitarian Centre blue on Thursday evening and clapping, alongside millions of people across the UK, to say thank you to everyone who is working on the front line and saving lives every day.

We are immensely proud of the work our staff have being doing over the last few weeks and we are also proud of our residents who have donated to our Giving for Gedling Food Bank Appeal and helped us raise over £23,000 in less than a week.” 

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