Friday, February 7, 2025
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Gedling council tax rise: How much more will Bands A-D pay in the borough?

The council is proposing to increase the tax by the maximum amount allowed.


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Gedling Borough Council yesterday (13) revealed it is proposing to increase council tax from April.

The authority is proposing to increase the tax by the maximum amount allowed.

The rise equates to a three per cent increase – the most the authority is allowed to take without holding a public referendum.

As well as payments going to the borough council, police, fire services and the county council also receive payment.

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But how are council tax bills split?

Each household in the borough pays a precept to both the Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner and the Nottinghamshire Fire Authority.

These decide the budgets for Nottinghamshire Police and Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service, making up roughly 15 per cent of all council tax bills.

The remaining 85 per cent of bills is split between Nottinghamshire County Council and Gedling Borough Council

The county council takes roughly 75 per cent of all bills, with Gedling taking slightly less than 10 per cent in total.

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All increases come into effect from April 1, 2023, and affect all taxpaying homes, though some authorities have reduction schemes in place to mitigate the impact of the increases.

Below is a breakdown of the plans, starting off with the police and the fire service which will affect all residents.

The figures include tax totals and the full increases for Bands A-D – the most common households across the city and county.

Nottinghamshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner

Police and Crime Commissioner Caroline Henry (Con) is increasing bills by £14.94 for Band D homes, taking her total Band D precept up to £269.19 for the year.

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For Band A homes, which make up most of all homes in the city and county, the increase is £9.96 per year, meaning £179.46 will be paid to the police in total.

A Band B increase of £11.62 takes the total paid to £209.37 for the year, while Band C precepts will increase by £13.28 to £239.28.

Nottinghamshire Fire Authority

The Nottinghamshire Fire Authority, which sets budgets for the fire service, is recommending a £5 increase for all homes in the city and county.

This increase is regardless of house banding, meaning all houses would be affected by the same rise.

If approved on February 24, it would take the total paid for Band D homes up to £89.57 for the year.

The annual payment for Band A would rise to £61.38 for the year, with Band B and C to pay £70.78 and £80.17 per year respectively under the increase.

Nottinghamshire County Council

Conservative-run Nottinghamshire County Council approved its 4.84 per cent tax hike on February 9, affecting all homes in the wider county.

The increase will mean Band D homes are paying the council £79.57 more from April, taking the authority’s Band D precept up to £1,723.66.

Band A homes will pay the county council £53.05 more for the year, or £1,149.11 in total.

Band B homes will pay £61.88 more to the county council from April, taking the authority’s total Band B precept up to £1,340.61.

And Band C homes’ annual precept to the authority will increase by £70.73 to Â£1,532.14.

These figures do not include the sums for the police, the fire service or individual district and borough councils.

These are outlined below alongside the plans for Gedling Borough Council

Gedling Borough Council

Labour-run Gedling Borough Council is planning to take the maximum amount, equating to £5.32 for Band D homes.

This would take the total paid to the borough council up to £183.39 for Band D homes.

The council’s rise works out at £3.55 more for Band A homes, taking the total paid to the authority up to £122.26.

For Band B homes, the Gedling increase is £4.14, taking the total paid to the authority up to £142.64.

And Band C homes will pay Gedling Borough Council £4.73 more from April, taking their total bill to the authority up to £163.01.

When factoring in the emergency services, Broxtowe Borough Council’s rise and the county council’s increase, total bills will be:

  • Band A: Â£1,511.27 (total increase of Â£71.56)
  • Band B: £1,763.41 (total increase of £82.64)
  • Band C: Â£2,014.60 (total increase of £93.74)
  • Band D: Â£2,265.81 (total increase of £104.83)

Gedling Borough Council’s budget approval meeting will take place on Thursday, March 2.

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  1. We’re do they think people are getting this extra money stop spending our cash on crap projects and get real

  2. What a waste of money have we got a crime commissioner I thought she’d disapppeared since motoring offences about as noticeable as lord lucan get rid of these parasites

  3. How can the council tax band be a different in different areas with the same tax band? Band A, is band A. Band B, is band B etc. So why does Nottinghamshire County Council charge different amounts for the same band depending on the area of the county?


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