Tuesday, February 18, 2025
4.1 C

Streets on new development in Ravenshead will be named after fallen First World War and Second World War soldiers


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Streets in a new housing development in Ravenshead will be named after fallen First World War and Second World War soldiers.

Custom Homes is building 44 houses on land at Cornwater Fields, off Longdale Lane.

Work began in 2021 and street names now need to be decided.

Gedling Borough Council is proposing they be named after fallen soldiers from both the Second World War and First World War.

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Delegated decision documents say: “The names chosen are fallen soldiers from WW1 and WW2, taken from St Peter’s Memorial Board in Ravenshead.”

The council’s building control team has contacted the developer and consulted with local ward and parish councillors and it has been suggested the names Allsebrooke and Hilkin be used.

Berridge, Clarke, Worsh, Metheringham, Guest, Pressley and Murfit have also been selected ready for further development in Ravenshead.

Speaking of the development DSA Environment and Design said: “The intention is to leave a great legacy, not merely build houses.

“We have taken a SuDS (sustainable drainage systems) approach to the treatment of water on site, to create multi-use ‘blue-green infrastructure’ suitable for children’s play as well as being managed to increase habitat benefits, particularly for the reptiles which inhabit this part of Sherwood.

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“The Design and Access Statement received special praise from the chair of planning committee at Gedling District Council.”

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