Sunday, December 8, 2024
5 C

Letters: It’s time to pedestrianise Netherfield town centre and save lives

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Now time to pedestrianise Netherfield town centre


It is time someone had the sense to now pedestrianise Netherfield town centre.

The town has become a rat run for those trying to flee the chaos of Victoria Retail Park and Colwick Loop Road to get to Carlton and Gedling – and soon someone will be killed. These cars speed constantly and have no regard for pedestrians using the crossings.

Let us remove the Victoria Road cut through from the pharmacy on the corner up until the new dentist by the roundabout.

Such a move might encourage more cafes and bars to be established that could use this space for outdoor seating for customers and giving the town a more cosmopolitan vibe.

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Arnold and Carlton always seem to be handed money so maybe funding can now be found to benefit poor Netherfield.

Paula Nesbitt

Some dog owners are so ignorant

Dog mess warning banner
PICTURED: A new banner has been placed outside Pinewood Infant School


This Tuesday morning, just after 7.30am as I went out to get my paper, when I narrowly missed a huge pile of dog poo (obviously some dog owner regrettably hadn’t seen it – probably on their mobile phone).

It is obviously a very big dog, or perhaps a small well-fed lion on a leash.

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It took my five buckets of water and a going over with a stiff brush to clear the offending mess from outside my house.

And it’s not the first time either – the paths are regularly soiled in such a manner by a very large animal.

So if anyone knows of someone with a large dog or possibly a lion, who takes the animal out after dark without a wheelbarrow and a shovel that’s probably the person the authorities are now out looking for. How ignorant some dog owners are.

Len Garratt

Does anyone remember Clough Netherfield appearance?


I have just noticed that there is a plaque on the paved area by the Co-op in Netherfield saying the space was opened by Forest legendary manager Brian Clough. I was not aware of this!

I am a big Clough fan and I wish I had seen this.

I could not find photos anywhere online of the event. Has anyone got any pictures or was there and share their memories.

Thomas McGann

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    1. with reference to the suggestion by Ms Nesbit that Nethefield is pedestrianised. This road is not a rat run. It was and still remains the main road through Netherfield even though some of it is one way. I use it a lot as a legitimate route from the Loop Road. What is needed is an uprade and installation of penguin crossings. Road safety was the subject of a petition to the County Council organised by Cllrs Hunt and Clarke, which so far has fallen on stony ground consideering the lack of NCC’s response.
      If the stretch of road described by Ms Nesbit is pedestrianised, it cuts the village in half. All traffic would be forced into the narrow and highly congested roads at the rear of the Coop.
      Ms Nesbit wishes to encourage more cafes and bars to open. Netherfield has enough of those. We need shops that actually sell things- a difficult thing to have with the competion on the retail estate, but given the right product and promotion, it should be possible. If the owners of all those buildings cleared the grass from their guttering, the appearance would be improved.
      I’m not sure what benefit a cosmopolitan vibe would achieve (whatever that is) but a more prosperous and lively commercial centre would be better.

    2. I live in netherfield and avoid all the pedestrian crossings as its a rat race there in the wrong place or a speed limit with cameras is needed safer to avoid the crossings and take your chance


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