Occasional Gedling Eye columnist Graham Finch says he wants councils to start tackling cyclists who prefer pavements to roads…
I regularly walk from my home to Carlton Hill to pop to the shops or place a bet and not a day passes without me having to step several times off the narrow pavement and into the busy main road to avoid being knocked over by aggressive speeding cyclists, who “eff and blind” if I say anything to them.
The law is clear: cyclists belong on the road, not on the pavement. I also cycle, but I do so on the road, not on pavements. If a cyclist feels unsafe on the road because of inconsiderate motorists, then the option is there to dismount or to leave the bicycle at home.

The stress occasioned by having a cyclist speed past from behind at close quarters is considerable and, quite apart from the risk of a collision, because of the absence of fitted rear-view mirrors for pedestrians, is not to be recommended for anyone with a heart condition, not to mention the possibility of serious injury to a lady on foot caused by a determined handbag snatcher.
If and when resources permit, I would like to see the ban on cycling on Carlton Hill pavements most rigorously enforced every day, without exception, not just occasionally as at present, until inconsiderate cyclists, with their misplaced sense of entitlement and of their own importance, get it into their heads that what they are doing is illegal, dangerous, socially unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
Lest it be assumed that I am against cyclists, let me assure you that this is not at all the case. I have cycled all my life and still do so, just not on pavements, which were created for the exclusive use of pedestrians. I have also been a driver for almost 30 years and I always give cyclists a wide berth when overtaking. If that is not possible because of traffic conditions, I stay well behind until it is safe for both the cyclist and for me to overtake, sometimes to the annoyance of an impatient motorist behind me.
I welcome any reasonable and safe moves to make cycling both easier and more enjoyable, just not in pedestrianised areas. There needs to be a balanced approach which does not benefit one group at the expense of risking the safety of another. At the end of the day we are all pedestrians, cyclists and motorists at varying times of our lives, or of the day.
A little patience and courtesy go a long way to keeping everyone safe.
100% right Graham – between cyclists and electric scooters you take your life in your hands walking on the footpath these days !
They anger people in Arnold town centre riding near our AMP. Some of these could be tourists and could be put off visiting our town again. Tom Randall must do something to stop them as it could damage our town and the econymy and put off those that want to visit this great town wich is our capital our London.
I regularly see bikes on pavements on Brookfield Road, Arnold, which is a relatively quiet road with no need whatsoever for the cyclists to be on the pavement. Often there’s a long row of parked cars with no room for us to pass one another and the cyclist has to dismount, once they realise I’m not going to move out of the way having pretended not to notice them coming.
100% correct and while were at it lets get some enforcement on the illegal scooters too.
The worst place is Mapperley top when stepping out of a shop and nearly being mowed down by a cyclist!
Bikes have a right to ride wherever they like! I gave up my car and got a bike to save the environment little did I realize how shit some drivers are around bikes over the entire borough! So now I value my life & I ride on the pavements, roads only if I feel safe.
I also make sure I don’t hurt anyone or cause them to startle or shout f**CK off unless it’s some telling me to ride on the road! When you road a bike, back in the day I suppose people drove a lot slower and there were less vehicles on the roads. Nobody will ever be able to stop me or enforce any cyclist doing this! It would be ridiculous. My mum is 86 and she makes me promise that I ride on pavements. Cyclist have rights and for good reasons. It’s just life I’m afraid sir, so you need to get over it. Bad cyclist are like bad dog owners bad drivers get over it!