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‘UNACCEPTABLE’: Gedling MP Michael Payne raises concerns over proposed library changes on last day for public to have say


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Gedling’s MP has expressed serious concerns over a council’s proposals to introduce a tier system for the borough’s libraries that could see some closed and replaced with mobile services or ‘pop-up’ facilities staffed by volunteers.

Residents have also voiced their fears after it was revealed last month that Carlton Hill, Gedling and Woodthorpe libraries would be put placed in the bottom tier and become either access points, pop-up facilities or mobile libraries all staffed by volunteers.

Now Michael Payne, who was elected as Gedling’s MP earlier this year, has written to share concerns with Nottinghamshire County Council‘s chief executive Adrian Smith about the changes and also lack of publicity around a public consultation.

In the letter, shared on social media, he wrote that plans to mobilise or create replacement pop up libraries in the borough would be ‘an unacceptable step’.

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The letter from Michael Payne MP to NCC’s chief executive Adrian Smith over library plans

Picture of library aisle
Under new proposals the borough libraries would be placed in a tier system (PHOTO: Adobe Stock)

He wrote: “The residents I serve wish to see their libraries invested in and neither they nor I would be supportive of any downgrading of the public libraries across Gedling.

He also said that any reduction in hours at five of the borough’s other libraries would ‘also be unacceptable’.

Mr Payne wrote that concerns had been raised by residents over a delay in publicising the consultation over changes through the council’s official social media channels.

MP Michael Payne said that the changes would be ‘unacceptable’ if they went ahead

“Given the significance of this consultation, residents expected wider more high-profile publicity regarding this consultation.”

The Gedling MP also urged people living in the borough to take part in the consultation, which closes today.

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“If you love our libraries, now is the time to speak up. Tell Nottinghamshire County Council how you feel about these potential closures and reductions in service.

The council’s consultation on the proposals ends on November 13.

When proposals were announced last month, Councillor Scott Carlton, Cabinet Member for Communities and Public Health at Nottinghamshire County Council, said: “Our libraries are welcoming places to meet, borrow, learn, discover and celebrate.

But said the new strategy ‘reflects the changing needs’ of library users while ensuring financial sustainability.

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