A planning application has been received by Gedling Borough Council from CBP Architects Ltd of Nottingham acting as agent on behalf of Mr Andrew Clarke for the proposed erection of four dwellings at 29 Church Lane, Linby, Nottinghamshire NG15 8AB.
The application describes the proposed works as ‘Demolishment of all buildings on site (a pair of semi detached dwelling house and two garages), To remove existing trees, Erection of 4 dwellings with associated single garages.’
A design and access statement prepared by CBP Architects Ltd. in support of the planning application for the residential development states that the site is located opposite Linby Playing Field in the centre of Linby Village, on a corner plot with Church Lane on the north west and Hayden Lane to the east of the site, with St Michael’s Church to the west opposite the sites entrance.
The four proposed properties are to be market housing consisting of:
Two five bedroom properties, both with three bathrooms and three parking spaces
Two four bedroom properties, both with three bathrooms and three parking spaces
According to submitted planning documents the new development will provide four detached houses with associated garages and private driveways. Each property will have a minimum of three no. car parking spaces (including Garage space) to ensure the road is not dominated by parked vehicles.
The proposed point of accesses into the site are from Church Lane, the same side where the previously entrance was located, except for plot 4 that will use the existing entrance off Hayden Street.
It is also proposed that the proposed dwellings are to bring the building line forward and more in line with the adjacent properties, following the building line along Church Lane, reflecting the organic character of the surrounding village.
The development proposes trees to be planted to the rear of the gardens, replacing the existing trees that are to be removed. The proposed dwellings face onto Church Lane with rear gardens backing onto the existing open field.
Full planning details can be accessed on Planning Application No.2023/0626 HERE.