An application for the proposed erection of a four bedroom dwelling to the rear of 121 Haywood Road Mapperley Nottinghamshire NG3 6AF has been refused by Gedling planners.
A report and recommendation report authorised by the Planning Delivery Manager / Principal Planning Officer stated the dwelling would contain 4-bedrooms and a bathroom at first floor level. At ground floor level there would be a hall, dining / kitchen / utility room, separate living room and separate study. Access to the site is proposed through the existing residential attached garage serving the existing property, in an undercroft arrangement. 2 no. car parking spaces are proposed to serve the proposed dwelling and 2 no. for the existing dwelling; these are all to the rear of no. 121.
Letters of objection were received by Gedling Borough Council from the occupiers of eleven residential properties.
The Notice of Refusal dated January 9 stated that the reasons for refusal were:
- The scheme is not in keeping with the character of the surrounding area. The proposal represents a backland form of development of which there are no other examples in the immediate vicinity of the area. Furthermore, the proposal is considered to be an over-development of the site and appears cramped within the plot compared to its surroundings. The majority of properties on Haywood Road are set within relatively substantial plots. This proposal, by contrast, sits just 1.6 from the rear boundary. It has a small overall amenity space and leaves the host dwelling with a small private amenity space. As such, the application is contrary to the NPPF part 12, policies LPD33, LPD34, LPD40 and ASC10
- The proposal will have an unacceptable impact on residential amenity. The proposal contains main aspect side windows at ground floor and first floor level, approx. 5 metres away from the shared side boundary with no. 117. As such, the proposal causes unacceptable issues of onto the private amenity space of no. 117. The distances between the proposal and the rear windows of neighbouring properties is also considered to cause unacceptable issues of overlooking. There is approx. 12 metres between the rear elevation windows of the new proposal and the rear elevation windows of no. 117 (albeit at an angle) and approx. 18 metres in a more direct line between the rear elevation windows of the new proposal and the rear elevation windows on no. 121. This situation is made worse by the new building being 2-storey and no. 117 being a single storey bungalow. Furthermore, the remaining garden area for 121 as well as the proposed useable amenity space for the proposed dwelling are considered to be insufficient. In addition, the proposed building has ground floor main aspect windows to the rear just 1.6 metres from the site boundary. This does not provide a good outlook for future occupiers. For these reason, the proposal is contrary to the guidance contained in the NPPF as well as policies LPD 32 and 40 of the Gedling Local Plan.
- The access proposed to serve the development is inadequate. In order to comply with the current highway design guidance, the access is required to be 5.8 metres wide. The proposed access is just approx. 3 metres wide. In addition, it has not been demonstrated that there is adequate vehicular turning facilities on site resulting in vehicles that may have to reverse through the narrow accesses (bound by walls on either side) and reverse onto the public highway. For the reasons stated above, the proposal is considered contrary to Policy LPD61.
Full planning details can be accessed on Planning Application No.2023/07175 HERE.