Sunday, February 16, 2025
2.9 C

Residents in Gedling borough given funds to create ‘design scheme’ for local area

A public consultation is taking place asking residents and local businesses to say what they like, what they dislike and what they would change


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Gedling borough has been handed £160k from the government to design its towns

Gedling Borough Council has been awarded the cash by the UK Government’s Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to participate in the Design Code Pathfinder Programme, to create a ‘design code’ and encourage communities to have their say on how the borough looks, in terms of design.

The project is being called ‘Place Gedling’ and a public consultation is taking place asking residents and local businesses to say what they like, what they dislike and what they would change about the visual design of Gedling’s streets, buildings and public spaces.

People can comment, using an online interactive map, about areas that they think are well designed or areas that need improvement. They can upload photos and stay up to date with the process from start to completion by visiting  

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Feedback and comments received from the consultation will be used to shape a new planning document for the borough, which will outline detailed criteria for how new developments and extensions can look as well as the materials that can be used, to help improve the visual quality of the borough for residents, businesses and visitors. 

Anyone can take part in the consultation and have their say by visiting the council website HERE

The consultation is open until midnight Friday, August 19, 2022.

Portfolio Holder for Growth and Regeneration, Councillor Jenny Hollingsworth said: “A key priority for the council is promote and drive sustainable growth across the borough to meet current and future needs and this consultation will help with that. 

This is a really exciting opportunity to create a blueprint for the way future developments will look. It will help shape our streets, public spaces and housing developments so we are encouraging residents to take part, take a photo of the places they like or don’t like, in terms of design, and tell us something about it. 

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“Place Gedling” will make a real difference to the way planning applications are processed and the requirements that need to be met when submitting applications. This isn’t about making it harder for applicants, but about ensuring that any development is suitable and fits within the borough’s design aspirations.” 

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  1. Need to incorporate more bat boxes/bird boxes (possibly inbuilt) and Simple things like hedgehog holes in new fences. New estates need wildlife corridors. Essential.

  2. I saw a dead deer on Colwick Loop Road, the first time I ever saw one in that area, so there may be a point there. I suppose I could say stop building on every bit of green land but that request will fall on deaf ears. NIMBYS they will say, whilst taking the developers cash for shoddy housing.

  3. I wish they would put exercise equipment on the park a the bottom of Somersby Road, like most of the other parks in the area.


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