Gedling Borough Council has declared war on boy racers after proposing new measures to fine those driving in an anti-social way.
New plans would see cops given more powers to fine offending drivers across parts of the borough and is being put to the public in a consultation which closes on March 24
It comes after complaints from residents in parts of the borough about speeding cars, excessive noise and car cruise events in Colwick.

The Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO) would see aggressive acceleration, racing, stunts, excessive noise and congregating with other vehicles banned and punishable with a fine.
There was a PSPO in place between January 2018 and January 2021 which addressed problems caused by organised car cruises in and around Colwick Industrial Estate and along the Colwick Loop Road.
The area had been the focus of these type of activities for an extended period of time attracting up to 100 vehicles and spectators at its peak.
Since the expiration of the previous PSPO Nottinghamshire Police and Gedling Borough Council say they have seen an increase in calls and activity regarding this behaviour. They now want to extend the previous boundary and include the new Gedling Access Road.
He told the BBC’s Local Democracy Reporting Service: “It’s long overdue, we’ve been raising issues with the police and they’ve been doing operations at night.
“The noise these drivers have been making, such as screeching their tyres at night or mopeds driving through villages, has been a frustration.
“This should make an improvement to security for businesses and for residents.
“It’s reared its head a lot more recently in evenings and the police have done all they can. This is an extra support mechanism to try and solve it once and for all.”
More details on the proposals can be found here:
You can comment or comment on, or object to the proposal in writing to: Kevin Nealon, Community Protection Manager Public Protection Civic Centre, Arnot Hill Park, Nottingham Road, Arnold, Nottingham, NG5 6LU Or by e-mailing
The police have all the powers they need, but they need to be out and on duty to apply those powers.