The final round of roadworks required for the construction of the Gedling Access Road (GAR) have been announced as the £49m bypass nears completion.
It was revealed today that the new road will open to motorists at mid-day on March 22nd.
Nottinghamshire County Council has revealed high friction surfacing needs to be installed down at the Burton Road end of GAR to allow the road to open.
This will mean that from Monday, March 14, a four-night closure will be in place on the new section of the GAR between the Burton Road and the A612 junctions.
The closure will be in place from 8pm until 5am for four nights. Access for pedestrians and residents on Whitworth Drive and the Nottingham Road (service road) will be maintained at all times and the section will be open to traffic in the day time. Bus services will use the A612 and Stoke Lane. All other traffic will be diverted along the A612, A6211 Colwick Loop Road up towards Shearing Hill and vice versa.

Once Colliery Way is open, a section of Arnold Lane will be closed for three months to allow it to be realigned and linked onto Colliery Way. These works will also see changes to the existing traffic signals at the Arnold Lane / Mapperley Plains junction.
After this, overnight closures will be required for the junction as well as Gedling Road and Mapperley Plains (towards the city) for final surfacing works.
A spokesman for VIA East Midlands who are constructing the new road said: “We would like to thank you for your patience throughout the construction and apologise for any inconvenience that these works may cause.”