Tuesday, February 18, 2025
4.1 C

Three Gedling borough stations to offer free wi-fi to passengers

The rail firm said the Wi-Fi upgrade will allow customers to quickly and easily access data and get online with their mobiles, tablets and laptops without any charge.


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Free wi-fi is being installed at three Gedling borough stations over the next few weeks.

East Midlands Railways (EMR) is to install new free Wi-Fi at Carlton, Netherfield and Newstead stations.

It will also be available at Nottingham Station.

The rail firm said the Wi-Fi upgrade will allow customers to quickly and easily access data and get online with their mobiles, tablets and laptops without any charge.

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The free wi-fi will be available at Carlton Station

Customers can access the free Wi-Fi by launching their browser and following the instructions on the EMR landing page.

The service also features ‘Friendly Wi-Fi’ to filter illegal or harmful content, to help protect children and families.

Philippa Cresswell, Customer Service Director at East Midlands Railway, said: “Be it for work or leisure, we understand how important it is for our customers to stay connected while they are on the move. That is why we’re excited about this project and the advantages it will provide when people choose to use our services – especially for customers who might have limited money and don’t want to use their mobile data.

“The free Wi-Fi will benefit customers on our Regional, InterCity and Connect services, making travelling with EMR more convenient whatever the destination.”

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