Saturday, February 8, 2025
2.4 C

The planned roadworks and road changes in Gedling borough

See our latest list of roadworks taking place across the borough over the coming weeks...


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A number of roadworks, and changes to the roads, are set to take place on Gedling borough’s roads during the next few weeks.

The roadworks and road changes include things such as speed alterations, repair works and changing the layout of the roads. 

Most of the roadworks are being undertaken by Nottinghamshire County Council while a couple are being led by Severn Trent Water, National Grid and OpenReach

These are the roadworks and closures you need to know about

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Criftin Road, Burton Joyce
19 April – 30 April
Delays likely due to road closure for patching repairs from junction of Lee Road to junction of Trent Lane
Responsibility for works: Nottinghamshire County Council

Lee Road, Burton Joyce
17 April – 18 April
Delays likely due to road closure for patching repairs from Gordon Road to Criftin Road
Responsibility for works: Nottinghamshire County Council

Stoke Lane, Gedling
17 April – 18 April
Delays likely due to road closure
Responsibility for works: Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd

Acton Road, Arnold
23 April – 26 April
Roadworks and delays possible
Responsibility for works: National Grid

Beech Avenue, Netherfield
22 April – 24 April
Roadworks with delays possible at junction with Meadow Road
Responsibility for works: Nottinghamshire County Council

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Bonington Road, Woodthorpe
24 April – 26 April
Roadworks and delays possible
Responsibility for works: Openreach

Bulcote Drive, Burton Joyce
22 April – 25 April
Roadworks and delays possible
Responsibility for works: Severn Trent Water

Foxhill Road East, Carlton
22 April – 24 April
Delays possible to refresh road markings outside school
Responsibility for works: Nottinghamshire County Council

Maltby Road, Woodthorpe
22 April – 23 April
Roadworks and delays possible
Responsibility for works: Severn Trent Water

Nottingham Road, Burton Joyce
21 April
Roadworks and delays possible
Responsibility for works: Openreach

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Sherbrook Road, Arnold
21 April
Roadworks, Delays possible
Responsibility for works: Severn Trent Water

Spring Lane, Lambley
22 April
Roadworks whilst replacing fault interactive speed warning sign.

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