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The planned roadworks and road changes in Gedling borough

See our latest list of roadworks taking place across the borough over the coming weeks...


A number of roadworks, and changes to the roads, are set to take place on Gedling borough’s roads during the next few weeks.

The roadworks and road changes include things such as speed alterations, repair works and changing the layout of the roads. 

Most of the roadworks are being undertaken by Nottinghamshire County Council while a couple are being led by Severn Trent Water, National Grid and OpenReach

These are the roadworks and closures you need to know about

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Meadow Lane, Burton Joyce
12 November – 25 November
Road closure
Responsibility for works: Severn Trent Water

Belvoir Road, Netherfield
12 November – 13 November
Roadworks, Delays possible
Responsibility for works: Severn Trent Water

Daisy Road, Mapperley
13 November – 14 November
Road closure for preventative maintenance – carriageway patching along various sections of the road.
Responsibility for works: Nottinghamshire County Council

Colwick Loop Road, Colwick, Nottinghamshire
13 November – 15 November
Delays possible due to lane closure to carry out surveys
Responsibility for works: Nottinghamshire County Council

Hallams Lane, Arnold
13 November – 14 November
Roadworks, Delays possible as Cadent are carrying out Emergency gas repair works. Responsibility for works: Cadent

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Private Road No 1, Colwick
13 November – 15 November
Delays possible due to lane closure on Private Road No.1 junction with A612 Colwick Loop Road.
Responsibility for works: Nottinghamshire County Council

Victoria Road, Netherfield
13 November – 15 November
Delays possible dude to lane closure to carry out surveys for proposed works
Responsibility for works: Nottinghamshire County Council


Baslow Avenue, Carlton
13 November – 22 November
Roadworks, Delays possible
Responsibility for works: National Grid

Foxhill Road Central, Carlton
14 November – 29 November
Roadworks, Delays possible
Responsibility for works: Severn Trent Water

Arnold Lane, Gedling
15 November
Roadworks, Delays likely
Responsibility for works: Severn Trent Water

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Forester Grove, Carlton
15 November – 30 November
Roadworks, Delays possible
Responsibility for works: National Grid

Orchard Park, Mapperley
16 November – 18 November
Roadworks, Delays possible
Responsibility for works: Openreach

Carlton Hill, Carlton
17 November
Roadworks, Delays likely
Responsibility for works: Severn Trent Water

Mansfield Road, Papplewick
17 November
Delays possible due to lane closure between Burntstump junction and Forest Lane Junction
Responsibility for works: Nottinghamshire County Council

Mansfield Road, Arnold
17 November
Roadworks, Delays possible
Responsibility for works: Nottinghamshire County Council

Forester Road, Carlton
18 November – 22 November
Road closure
Responsibility for works: National Grid

Nottingham Road, Ravenshead
19 November – 19 November
Delays likely due to lane closure
Responsibility for works: Severn Trent Water

Westdale Lane East, Gedling
20 November – 29 November
Roadworks, Delays likely
Responsibility for works: National Grid

Westdale Lane West, Mapperley
13 November – 15 November
Roadworks, Delays possible
Responsibility for works: Severn Trent Water

Spotted something? Got a story? Email our newsdesk news@gedlingeye.co.uk

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