The traditional pub game of long alley skittles continues to be played at the Sherwood Ranger in Ravenshead.
Gedling Eye caught up with John Clifton, league treasurer, to find out what all the excitement was about.
John explained to us that “mixed teams of 10 players battle it out in a league which currently consists of seven teams. These play each other twice in the league plus in a knock-out cup competition.
“A match consists of three legs during which each player gets three throws of a wooden ball to attempt to knock over as many skittles as they can.
“Pins only count in the team score, however, once the front pin has been knocked down. Women team members throw from slightly closer to the skittles than men players.”

Age makes little difference in playing skittles and there is a wide range of ages to be seen competing. Games take place on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, usually with one game starting at 7.30pm followed by a second game at 8.30pm.
The games provide a great opportunity to socialise as the matches are competitive but played in a friendly spirit.
Indeed those players who get a strike in one of the legs are awarded a bottle of wine.
John is also captain of team ‘Mavis Bottoms’ and explained that “Originally nearly all the teams were named after the streets on which the founder players lived, but this is no longer true in most cases, and team members are recruited without regard to where they live.”

Team captains are always on the lookout for new recruits, so if you are interested in playing go along one evening, you can be sure of a very warm welcome.
Weekly scores, results and contact details can be found on the Ravenshead Local facebook group – you will quickly find regular posts and pictures from Ian Parkinson.