Supporters of a Gedling football club hit by a ‘shocking’ electricity bill are coming to the rescue – but they say more help is needed.
Carlton Town revealed that after recently submitting a meter reading, they then received a bill for a whopping £8714.03 (including VAT).
An updated statement from The Millers on their official website has outlined the current position including the amazing support of all connected to the club.
Pledges from Chairman Mick Garton, vice Chairman Barry North and sponsors Gilbert Wealth will bring in at least £2,500 towards the horrendous electricity bill.
Carlton Town is also hoping to raise around £1,000 from a sports day, and cash from an extra Speakers event in September. Supporter Kelly Mitchell has also set up a donation page in order to hopefully raise another £500 towards clearing the huge debt.
Boatsy and Charlie called in at Trent Bridge at the weekend and friend of the club Luke Fletcher helped the duo secure a mini bat signed by arguably England’s greatest-ever bowling duo Jimmy Anderson and Stuart Broad.
Kelly’s appeal has already hit the £300 mark and donations can be made here
Commercial Chief Gary Clarke (pictured) can be contacted on 07907 064189
The club have a Night at Nottingham Greyhound Stadium on Friday, May 12 with tickets at £7 each and are available from Mr Clarke on the above number.
The latest statement and news can be read on the Millers website HERE
Terrible. The energy firm should scrap this bill if they have any decency with all their recent profits.