Students at two Gedling borough schools were celebrating yesterday as the class of 2024 received their long-awaited A-Level exam results.
The day marks a significant milestone for these young individuals, with results reflecting years of hard work and dedication.
The Carlton Academy, part of the Redhill Academy Trust, on Coningworth Road celebrated excellent A-level results with 18.8% of grades secured at A* to A and over 42% being A* to B.
This year will now see more than 50 of the school’s students progressing onto university, whilst others have successfully gained apprenticeships.
Head of sixth form, Amy Jennings, said: “Our students have worked immensely hard to achieve these results: the time, energy and passion with which they worked was remarkable and it has been a privilege to see the class of 2024 develop into the strong and independent adults that are clearly ready for any new challenge that awaits them.
“We congratulate the individual success of every student and we are immensely proud of their achievements. These results are a true reflection of their determination and potential. We wish our students every happiness in the next exciting step of their lives.”
Particular successes include Sam Hawkyard (A* grades in Product Design and Maths and A grades in Further Maths and Physics) who has secured a place at the University of Sheffield studying Aerospace Engineering. Sam said that: “A-levels were a challenge but the staff provided continuous support and it was an experience I will never forget.” Joseph Frings (A* grades in Maths and Further Maths and A grade in Physics) has secured a place at the University of Nottingham to study Mathematics.
Casey Ballard, pictured, above, achieved an A grade in Health & Social Care, a B grade in Sociology and a Distinction in Applied Science. She will now be studying Nursing at the University of Lincoln, and is the first in her family to attend university. She said:
“I really enjoyed my time here at Sixth Form. The staff have never failed to support me and guided me towards my chosen profession of nursing.”
Thomas Plumridge will be studying Archaeology at the University of York said: “My teachers have been a source of support and inspiration throughout my time in Sixth Form and the courses I studied were high quality to prepare me for my future.”
Marie Egwuma, Headteacher at The Carlton Academy said ” We are exceptionally proud of our Year 13 students as they receive their A-level and vocational results today. They have demonstrated an incredible commitment to their studies, supported by our amazing staff. We wish them all the best for the next chapter and look forward to hearing about their future successes.”
Students at Redhill Sixth Form were also celebrating their fantastic A Level results, with many now going on to study some of the most sought-after degree courses at internationally renowned universities across the UK.
A*/A grades alone accounted for 20% of grades at the school this year, with the A*- B grades making up over nearly half of all results.
Head students Giulia Toffoli and Charlie Mylechreest achieved tremendous results. Giulia achieved 3 A* and will be going on to read medicine at Trinity College, Cambridge and Charlie two A* and two A grades and will read International Relations at London School of Economics.

Also celebrating fantastic results were:
Angelo Cosgrove who achieved A, A, A awaiting confirmation from University
Zainab Ahmed who achieved A*, A, A awaiting confirmation from University
Ruby Boss who achieved A*, A, A reading English and History at the University of Edinburgh.
Ollie Cole who achieved A*, A, A, A reading Maths at Loughborough University
Fleur Deacon who achieved A*, A, A, B reading Physics with Astrophysics at University of Manchester
Annabel Lee who achieved A*, A, A, B reading Mechanical Engineering at University of Manchester
Joe Morrell who achieved A*, A, A, awaiting confirmation from Apprenticeship
Ellie Poultney who achieved A*, A, A reading English with Creative Writing at the University of Nottingham.
Archie Widdison who achieved A*, A, A Accountancy Apprenticeship
A huge congratulations to our vocational students at The Oakwood Campus who have achieved an outstanding set of results in Sport and Health and Social Care.
Head of sixth form Charlie Barlow said: “I am so proud of all of our students, many of whom have achieved grades that have earnt them a place at their first-choice university’.
Head Teacher Mike Hardy said: “Our wonderful and supportive team here understand the importance of our students leaving us as fully rounded individuals and we cannot thank them enough for all that they do to prepare students to cope with the rigours of life beyond school.
“To our students I say that we could not be happier for you and for your parents; we wish you every success and look forward to hearing of your achievements when you re-join us as alumni, where you will no doubt help to inspire the next cohort and generation of students at The Redhill Academy.”
Nottinghamshire County Council congratulated all students across the borough for their efforts.
Councillor Sam Smith, Cabinet Member for Education and SEND, said: “I’d like to offer my congratulations to the students who received their A Level results yesterday.
“Whatever your results, you should be proud of all your hard work. If you have not received the results you were hoping for today there are still lots of options and help available to you.
“For those of you that are looking for post-16 opportunities that are not in higher education there are plenty of employers, including the county council, who offer apprenticeship opportunities which help with gaining new skills and workplace experiences.
“A huge thank you as well to the teachers, parents, carers and families who have also supported young people throughout their education.”