Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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Gedling borough schools get chance to win visit from Gladiators stars by ordering BBC Children in Need fundraiser pack


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BBC Children in Need is encouraging schools across the borough to challenge themselves and fundraise for the charity, whilst launching a competition to win a school visit from Gladiator star, Steel plus another surprise Gladiator guest.

To be in with a chance of winning, primary schools simply have to order a free fundraising pack to be automatically entered into the competition. 

Primary schools fundraising this year will also be able to join a live-streamed event on BBC Children in Need Appeal Day where they can challenge themselves, get involved and interact directly with the Gladiators, to raise money which will help to make life brighter for children.

Last year schools across the UK, raised nearly £4m which helped to support 30,000 children and young people who are facing challenges in their lives. 

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Across Midlands, BBC Children in Need currently fund 267 projects to the amount of £15.4m, to provide a positive environment for where children and young people can build self-esteem and support their overall mental and physical wellbeing. 

Schools can order fundraising packs at bbc.co.uk/pudsey now, with those who order before October 18 being entered into the ballot for the Gladiators School Visit.

BBC Gladiator star, Steel, said: “School fundraisers ready! I am thrilled to have teamed up with BBC Children in Need this year to get schools across the UK ready to take on fundraising challenges.

“This is an amazing opportunity to inspire the next generation to get active, improve their wellbeing while raising money for Pudsey. Everything that we raise together will help BBC Children in Need be there for children and young people when they need it most.”

Commenting on the schools fundraising launch, BBC Children in Need’s Chief Executive, Simon Antrobus said: “It’s wonderful to see children supporting children with schools across the nation coming together, and getting behind BBC Children in Need’s 2024 Appeal.

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“These are tough times for the children and young people we support with many facing many challenges including poverty and mental health.”

“At BBC Children in Need we want children to thrive and be the best they can be, to learn new skills and have access to opportunities they wouldn’t otherwise experience but, currently, we are only able to help 1 in 8 of the organisations who ask us for funding.

The much needed support from pupils, schools and teachers is crucial in providing projects and local charities with the funding they need to benefit children in local communities.

There are lots of ways that nurseries, preschools and schools can take part and raise funds:

  • For the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), fundraising kits will be available order for free from the BBC Children in Need website. This year the charity is asking nurseries and pre-schools across the UK to join Pudsey and his newest friend, Peppa Pig, by hosting their very own fundraising party for BBC Children in Need. The BBC Children in Need website has everything nurseries need to get involved from party hats, to bunting, to Peppa and Pudsey crafts, and a special new dance they can learn – the Piggle Wiggle. Nurseries and pre-schools that sign up for a fundraising kit also have the chance to win a Peppa and Pudsey visit.
  • More than 350 Busy Bees centres will be getting involved in fundraising efforts to help support other young children, causes and community projects throughout the country. 
  • This year primary schools are being asked to get involved with Challenge Yourself – pupils can come to school dressed up as their favourite superhero or favourite fancy dress outfit, take part in a baking challenge, a running challenge, or even think of a special challenge themselves. Primary Schools can join the special Gladiator themed live-streamed challenge on the morning of BBC Children in Need’s Appeal Day. Primary schools that sign up for a fundraising kit can win a Gladiators visit. 
  • Secondary schools across the UK are being asked to join in with Challenge Yourself. Schools, classes, forms and teachers can take part by taking on a sponsored challenge like running, dancing, class football matches, and non-uniform days. The BBC Children in Need website has everything they need know including a special student zone with selected content for students who want to get involved in fundraising. Secondary Schools that sign up for a fundraising kit will have the chance to win £1,000 amazon voucher. 

Challenge Yourself to make life lighter for children and to sign up for a free supporter kit, full of fun-filled fundraising ideas, inspiration, tools, advice and educational resources, please visit: www.bbcchildreninneed.co.uk/schools 

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