A number of roadworks, and changes to the roads, are set to take place on Gedling borough’s roads during the next few weeks.
The roadworks and road changes include things such as speed alterations, repair works and changing the layout of the roads.
Most of the roadworks are being undertaken by Nottinghamshire County Council while a couple are being led by Severn Trent Water, Cityfibre and OpenReach
These are the roadworks and closures you need to know about…
Bank Hill, Woodborough
10 October – 12 October
Road closure
Responsibility for works: National Grid
Burton Road, Carlton
09 October – 12 October
Road closure for carriageway resurfacing at junction with Gedling Road / Manor Road
Responsibility for works: Nottinghamshire County Council
Chesterfield Avenue, Gedling
10 October – 11 October
Road closure for pothole repairs from junction of Freda Avenue to junction of Perlethorpe Avenue
Responsibility for works: Nottinghamshire County Council
Curzon Street, Netherfield
09 October – 12 October
Delays likely due to road closure
Responsibility for works: Severn Trent Water
Florence Road, Gedling
06 October – 09 October
Road closure for pothole repairs along full length of road
Responsibility for works: Nottinghamshire County Council
Gedling Road, Carlton
10 October – 11 October
Delays likely as works take place to refresh road markings at night between Burton Road & Blackhill Drive
Responsibility for works: Nottinghamshire County Council
Glen Road, Burton Joyce
05 October
Road closure for pothole repairs from junction of Lambley Lane to junction of Bridle Road
Responsibility for works: Nottinghamshire County Council
Mansfield Road, Arnold
04 October
Responsibility for works: Severn Trent Water
Mansfield Road, Redhill
06 October
Lane closure
Responsibility for works: Openreach
Westdale Lane East, Carlton
04 October – 06 October
Roadworks, Delays likely
Responsibility for works: Severn Trent Water
Woodborough Road, Mapperley
10 October – 12 October
Delays likely for lane closure
Responsibility for works: Hutchison 3G Ltd
Arnold Lane, Gedling
10 October
Roadworks and delays possible
Responsibility for works: Nottinghamshire County Council
Broadway East, Carlton
03 October – 05 October
Roadworks and delays possible
Responsibility for works: Severn Trent Water
Eastham Road, Arnold
06 October
Roadworks and delays possible
Responsibility for works: Nottinghamshire County Council
Gedling Road, Carlton
09 October
Roadworks and delays possible
Responsibility for works: Nottinghamshire County Council
Grampian Drive, Arnold
05 October – 13 October
Roadworks, Delays possible
Responsibility for works: CityFibre
Home Close, Arnold
10 October – 12 October
Roadworks delays possible
Responsibility for works: CityFibre
Jessops Lane, Gedling
05 October
Roadworks, Delays possible
Responsibility for works: Nottinghamshire County Council
Knowles Walk, Arnold
10 October – 12 October
Roadworks, Delays possible
Responsibility for works: CityFibre
Lowdham Lane, Woodborough
03 October – 05 October
Roadworks, Delays possible
Responsibility for works: Severn Trent Water
Maidens Dale, Arnold
11 October – 16 October
Roadworks, Delays possible
Responsibility for works: CityFibre
Malmesbury Road, Woodthorpe
06 October – 06 October
Roadworks, Delays possible
Responsibility for works: Nottinghamshire County Council
Mansfield Road, Redhill
06 October
Roadworks, Delays possible
Lane closure for patch repairs
Responsibility for works: Nottinghamshire County Council
Oakleigh Avenue, Mapperley
10 October
Roadworks, Delays possible
Responsibility for works: Nottinghamshire County Council
Oxborough Road, Arnold
10 October
Roadworks so delays possible
Responsibility for works: Nottinghamshire County Council
Pennine Close, Arnold
04 October – 10 October
Roadworks, Delays possible
Responsibility for works: CityFibre
Porchester Road, Mapperley
09 October – 10 October
Roadworks, Delays possible
Responsibility for works: Severn Trent Water
Quantock Close, Arnold
11 October – 16 October
Roadworks, Delays possible
Responsibility for works: CityFibre
Sherbrook Road, Arnold
09 October – 11 October
Roadworks, Delays possible
Responsibility for works: Cadent
Victoria Road, Netherfield
05 October
Roadworks, Delays possible
Responsibility for works: Nottinghamshire County Council
Willow Lane, Gedling
05 October
Roadworks, Delays possible
Responsibility for works: Nottinghamshire County Council
Wood Lane, Gedling
06 October
Roadworks, Delays possible to excavate and investigate area of carriageway which has broken up as a result of what looks like water damage and repatch area.
Responsibility for works: Nottinghamshire County Council
Woodthorpe Drive, Woodthorpe
05 October
Roadworks, Delays possible to reinstall bollard and stem after RTC.
Responsibility for works: Nottinghamshire County Council