These are the latest applications to have been submitted to and validated by Gedling Borough Council this week.
The round-up of the latest plans that the council’s planning officers validated and published during the last week (w/e 9/2/24) include a number of extensions, tree works and a large development in Mapperley.
More details can be found on the Gedling Borough Council planning site HERE.
Single storey rear extension to provide leisure facilities for purposes incidental to the enjoyment of the dwellinghouse.
3A Kirkby Road Ravenshead Nottinghamshire NG15 9HD. Ref. No: 2024/0054
Installation of external wall insulation cladding and associated works
14 Cambridge Street Carlton Nottinghamshire NG4 3JS. Ref. No: 2024/0059
Erect single storey rear extension to replace conservatory, erect carport to side of house and excavate rear garden and form retaining walls and garden room
124 Westdale Lane East Gedling Nottinghamshire NG4 3NH. Ref. No: 2024/0049
Proposed first floor extension over the front entrance porch Resubmission of 2023/0464
Newstead Abbey Park, Oak View Lodge Station Avenue Newstead Nottinghamshire NG15 8GE. Ref. No: 2024/0053
Conversion and change of use of current agricultural storage barn to Use Class E Restaurant / Coffee shop to operate alongside Spring Lane Farm Shop.
Spring Lane Farm 382 Spring Lane Lambley Nottinghamshire NG3 5RQ. Ref. No: 2024/0052
Change of use of part of ground floor to 1 Bedroom Flat with side entrance porch; enclose balcony to first floor and dormer balcony to second floor and new canopy to shop front and entrance
850 Woodborough Road Mapperley Nottinghamshire NG3 5QQ. Ref. No: 2024/0043
Proposed single storey rear extension and first floor side extension over existing garage
25 Quarry Road Ravenshead Nottinghamshire NG15 9AN. Ref. No: 2024/0045
Proposed two storey rear and side extension with first floor front extension and alterations to existing dwelling
111 Main Street Calverton Nottinghamshire NG14 6FG. Ref. No: 2024/0044
Detached double garage to serve Plot 55 of separate Reserved Matters Application 2023/0927
Coppice Farm Stables Mapperley Plains Arnold Nottinghamshire. Ref. No: 2024/0042
Proposed conservatory
2 Wren Drive Bestwood Nottinghamshire NG6 8YW. Ref. No: 2024/0041
Two storey rear extension, conversion of conservatory to single storey extension, dormer window to front elevation
16 Vernon Crescent Ravenshead Nottinghamshire NG15 9BL. Ref. No: 2024/0037
(T1 – Mature Lime) reduce the canopy by 30% of the leaf area; reduce top height by 6 metres; reduce over hang over road by 2 to 3 meters and lift over highway to 5.2 meters; reduce over garage and driveway by 3 to 4 metres. (T2 – Mature Horse Chestnut) remove the main canopy to approximately 3 meters above crown break or back to structurally sound timber.
291 Mapperley Plains Arnold Nottinghamshire NG3 5RG. Ref. No: 2024/0024TPO
Construction of detached double garage (resubmission of 2023/0688 to add hipped roof)
Sunnyhome Greendale Road Arnold Nottinghamshire NG5 6QD. Ref. No: 2024/0023
Erection of 54 dwellings (38 open market and 16 affordable dwellings), along with the provision of associated public open space and infrastructure
Land Rear Coppice Farmhouse Mapperley Plains Arnold Nottinghamshire. Ref. No: 2023/0926
Single storey rear extension
11 Fairview Road Woodthorpe Nottinghamshire NG5 4GW. Ref. No: 2023/0867
Proposed erection of a lattice tower
Vodaphone Site Water Tower Nottingham Road Ravenshead Nottinghamshire. Ref. No: 2023/0633