Tuesday, December 3, 2024
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Latest planning applications put before Gedling Borough Council

Here is a round-up of the latest plans that the council’s planning officers will now decide. 


These are the latest applications to have been submitted to and validated by Gedling Borough Council this week.

The round-up of the latest plans that the council’s planning officers validated and published on w/c 07/10/24

These applications will now be decided by Gedling borough planners.

More details can be found on the Gedling Borough Council planning site HERE.

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Remove lime tree
320 Spring Lane Lambley
Ref. No: 2024/0661TCA

T1 – Removal of 4 dead silver birch trees, stems to be logged and stacked on site. T2 – Reduce neighbouring side of eucalyptus by 2-3 meters and reduce lowest lateral limb by 3-4 meters to reduce weight. Access for MEWP is located at gates of property and will need to be tracked across garden and through gap in hedgerow.
The Pool Haggnook Wood Ravenshead
Ref. No: 2024/0751TPO

G1 – Sycamore (x14 stems) Remove marked stems due to poor structural condition and damage caused by squirrels Removal of trees will benefit adjacent trees within the woodland
Bestwood Country Park Bestwood Lodge Drive Bestwood
Ref. No: 2024/0752TPO

Single storey extension to rear of dwelling
9 Worth Street Carlton
Ref. No: 2024/0745

Remove two Lleylandi which are part of the hedge near the min gate to allow access by a pedestrian gate. Remove branches from sweet chestnut that are overhanging the childrens log cabinplus one dead branch opposite chalets 9+10
Nottingham Sun Club Brackenwood Newstead Abbey Park Nottingham Road Ravenshead
Ref. No: 2024/0750TPO

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3 Silver Birch Trees
Nottingham Sun Club Brackenwood Newstead Abbey Park Nottingham Road Ravenshead Ref. No: 2024/0749TPO5

Remove existing conservatory on side elevation and replace with a Porch.To the front elevation form a new larger Porch to main entrance and form a Balcony to side elevation to the rear of existing Garage with new Patio Doors off Dining room.
28 Clumber Avenue Woodthorpe Nottinghamshire NG3 5JY
Ref. No: 2024/0743


Erection of steel cantilever racking in the enclosed yard area to the front of the building, for the storage of packs of timber
Unit 6 Cyan Close Stoke Bardolph
Ref. No: 2024/0744

Proposed infill rear extension with associated internal reconfiguration works. Proposed pitched roof over existing garage. Proposed pitched roof over extension and existing kitchen. Proposed pithed roof over porch and front of garage.
8 Steeles Way Lambley
Ref. No: 2024/0741

Two storey side extension and single storey extensions to front and rear
34 Pateley Road Woodthorpe
Ref. No: 2024/0742

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(1) Group of 4 Cherry Trees – To be removed, one of which is already dead. (2) Crab Apple Tree – Remove due to poor health. (3) Bay tree – Reduce by 50% to a manageable height. (4) Oak Tree – Crown thin by 30% to improve air circulation and remove rubbing branches.
47 Main Street Woodborough
Ref. No: 2024/0736TCA

Proposed infill rear extension with associated internal reconfiguration works. Proposed pitched roof over existing garage. Proposed pitched roof over extension and existing kitchen. Proposed pithed roof over porch and front of garage.
8 Steeles Way Lambley
Ref. No: 2024/0741

Two storey rear extension. Demolition of existing chimney and installation of twin walled steel flue externally.
23 Cornhill Road Carlton
Ref. No: 2024/0737

Re-purposing existing car parking spaces for use as parking spaces for recharging of electric vehicles, including the installation of 2 upstands, 1 feeder pillar, 4 bollards, and associated landscaping adjustments
Madford Retail Park Mansfield Road Daybrook Nottinghamshire
Ref. No: 2024/0739

Single storey extension to form 3no. additional consulting rooms
318 Westdale Lane West Gedling
Ref. No: 2024/0733

T1 – fell Birch; T2 – Goat Willow, remove 2x branches over hanging neighbours garden, and reduce canopy by 1.5-2m
3A The Avenue Calverton
Ref. No: 2024/0724TCA

Proposed ground floor rear extension
17 Forester Street Netherfield
Ref. No: 2024/0721

Single storey side extension and alteration to garage
8 Myrtle Road Carlton
Ref. No: 2024/0720

Retrospective application for removal of chimney and conversion of garage to living space with own front door
6 Brook Avenue Arnold
Ref. No: 2024/0709

Installation of a Coniston Canopy Structure for the purpose of shelter and outside learning and activities
St John The Baptist Primary School Vale Road Colwick
Ref. No: 2024/0691

Proposed extension to front elevation of existing property with new door to side elevation
5 North Green Calverton
Ref. No: 2024/0527

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