Tuesday, February 18, 2025
4.1 C

Yarn bombers bring colour to Arnold in time for borough arts festival


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The people of Arnold have shown what a close-knit community they are after pulling together to yarn-bomb parts of the town centre late last night.

Organiser Teresa Burkin, who runs the town’s arts and crafts shop Button Moon, teamed up with husband Jonathon, their friends, customers and wider community to make sure the town centre was covered in colour in time for Gedling Borough Arts Festival which begins tomorrow (14).

Shop windows, lamp posts, bikes, trees and benches were covered in bright woolly creations all around the Marketplace.

Jonathon Burkin said: “It all started back in February when Teresa, my wife and owner of Button Moon wool and haberdashery, was asked whether we’d like to organise a yarn-bomb for the Gedling Borough Arts Festival

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“We jumped at the chance.  This would be fun. We asked our wool suppliers and our customers for donations of wool and soon our little group of knitters grew as word spread.

ON YER BIKE: Yarn bombers decorate Arnold Marketplace
ON YER BIKE: Yarn bombers decorate Arnold Marketplace

“We had ladies bringing squares they had knit at home; we had ladies bring in squares they had talked their friends into knitting.”

The group began to meet on Tuesday evenings to carry on knitting, and this became more frequent as the event grew closer.

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The group then hit the market place last night to cover it with their colourful creations.

COLOURFUL: Knitted creations popped up all over the town centre last night
COLOURFUL: Knitted creations popped up all over the town centre last night

Jonathon added: “Last night 14 or so started at seven and finished about 9, dressing the pedestrian area near the market. More will be going out tonight.

“The response today was amazing and made all of the hard work worthwhile. The aim was always just to make the people of Arnold smile and judging from the reactions today, we were certainly successful”

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