A Carlton charity is organising a giant two-day children’s book sale to raise funds for a Nottingham charity supporting parents of disabled children.
ExLibris, who are a member of the Federation of Masked Booksellers, will be holding the mammoth sale at 16, Vernon Avenue, on Saturday, November 19 and Sunday 20, between 11am to 6pm on both days.
The organisation famously fill the Carlton property with discarded and rescued books they then sell on to raise cash for good causes.The organisation famously fill the Carlton property with discarded and rescued books that they sell to raise cash for good causes.
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Those taking part always famously sell the books while masked to hide their identity as the founders of the organisation believe that people should not do charity work for vanity reasons.
All money raised during the event will go to School for Parents – which is based in Nottingham.
For more information you can visit the group’s Facebook page.