Nottinghamshire County Council have applied for planning to carry out tree works at local wildlife site – Moor Pond Woods in Papplewick.
Located between Papplewick, Hucknall and Linby and covering 7.2 hectares the woodlands is a designated local wildlife site, with mature ash, oak and chestnut trees and more than 20 species of bird regularly observed.
The tree works application advises ‘Works to Trees Subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) and/or Notification of Proposed Works to Trees in a Conservation Area’

The application proposal requests permission to carry out works on seven trees.
Four trees are reported to have significant deadwood branches and will be tested for stability and any unstable dead branches reduced or removed, especially if over path.
Three threes are planned to be removed leaving leave 5 m, 6m & 7m high standing habitat stems respectively for wildlife, if possible to safely do so. These trees were subject to surveys in 2022 prior to leaf formation.
Full schedule of works, site location plan and application form are included in the application for tree works submitted to Gedling Borough Council, all documents can be accessed under Planning Application Order 2023/0058TPO
The woods have a history going back to the Robinson family in the 18th century and are today owned by the Co-operative and managed in partnership, by Nottinghamshire County Council and the Friends of Moor Pond Woods.
The Friends of Moor Pond Woods are a group of volunteers who support the development and management of the Moor Pond Woods Project area including researching it’s history.
Today the Woods have been transformed thanks to the generous financial support of various groups, and the hard work of community volunteers.
Further details and information regarding Moor Pond Woods can be found HERE.