Saturday, January 11, 2025
-3.3 C

Travellers ‘ordered to leave’ park in Arnold


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A group of travellers has been ordered to leave a park in Arnold ‘within 24 hours’ after being served notice be Gedling Borough Council.

The council’s legal team served the eviction notice after the group set up camp on Thackeray’s Lane park and play area yesterday (8).

A spokesman for Gedling Borough Council said: “Our wardens have been out to visit the site this morning to assess the situation. We served a notice at 2pm this afternoon asking the occupants to leave within 24 hours. If they don’t comply, we have to get bailiffs to remove them which requires a court order. We will be delivering the eviction forms to the court on Monday morning and as soon as we get a date to see the judge we will issue the notice and it’s likely they will leave just before the bailiffs arrive.

Gedling Borough Council has now carried out a welfare assessment and will provide toilets for the group to reduce the clean up after they vacate the area.

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The council said the group could have gained access to the site via a barrier that looks like it was broken.

He added: “We do secure our sites but this doesn’t always stop this from happening. In this case there was a barrier but it looks like it has been broken. If there was anyone who witnessed any damage then please contact the Police.


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  1. The barrier was no deterrent so what will stop them just moving on to the next open space. Why not let them stay provide toilet and rubbish bins, then charge them a daily rate for every night they stay there. This is costing BBC council tax payers a fortune. Where is the money coming from, when asked to make improvements there is never any money to spare.


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