Sunday, February 16, 2025
2.9 C

Tony Cave Column: Passenger numbers on the rise at Carlton and Netherfield stations


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Tony Cave provides us with his monthly update from the local railways…

FARES: Off peak fares on Mondays to Fridays are available after 08.59 from Carlton, except to Leicester where the ‘cut off’ time is 09.15. We hope to have this changed to 08.59 also. From Netherfield the time is 8.44am. On Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays there are no restrictions. Carlton and Netherfield tickets can be used for travel from Carlton and return to Netherfield and vice versa.

ANNUAL STATION USAGE FIGURES 2015/16: These are based on actual ticket sales covering the year to May 2016 (2014/15 figures shown in brackets) .

CARLTON  36,344 (25,168) an increase of 11,176.

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NETHERFIELD 6,544 (6,050) an increase of 494.

This gives an average of 700 passengers a week at Carlton and 126 at Netherfield. However actual numbers using the trains are much more because there is no check of those using Robin Hood cards, railway free passes and fares not collected when too many people join the trains at Carlton. So from passenger counts I have done during the year there appears to be a short-fall of 12,000 at Carlton and 4,000 at Netherfield.

At Carlton I work out the average as 63 on morning peak trains and the same number in the evenings, with 5 other morning trains averaging 3 passengers per train and a further 17 trains with 2 per train giving a daily total of 175. Add 80 for Saturdays and Sundays and the weekly total is 955. Multiply by 51 weeks (Christmas and weekend rail replacement more or less cancels out 1 week of the year), and the total is 48,705. Currently we have around 213 per day and 125 for Saturday and Sunday, giving a weekly total of 1,190 and annual figures of 60,690.

Using the same format for Netherfield, there are 40 per day on weekdays and 10 for Saturdays and Sundays, a total of 210 per week. I have kept the figures low, but even then we have an annual total of 10,710.

Before we had the improved service in 2016, the average peak numbers were around 60 per day at Carlton, with only 9 peak trains between 06.00-09.00 and 16.30-18.30. Probably 80 passengers per day maximum. That is why I think the increase at Carlton is around 200k.

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DIRECT SATURDAY TRAIN TO LINCOLN: As from December 17, the 09.28 Carlton to Lincoln and 16.19 arrival from Lincoln are additional trains. On the first day 7 and a child boarded the 09.28 and 8 alighted from the 16.19. 5 went to Lincoln. Incidentally, I think the 11 minute mark between trains to Nottingham (16.08 & 16.19) is the shortest we have ever had at Carlton.

ILKESTON STATION: March seems to be the opening date for the new Ilkeston Station. Nottingham to Leeds trains will call leaving Nottingham mostly at 17 minutes past the hour and arriving in Ilkeston 13 minutes later. East Midlands Trains will also have some Liverpool services call at the station at 07.46am, 12.47pm and 15.47pm. Return trains will depart around 45 minutes past the hour plus extras at 11.12am and 16.42pm

IN CONVERSATION: “I notice they do £3 summer evening tickets on Derwent Valley Line. Why don’t they do the same to Newark?” A good question that I will be looking into.

“Thought you might like to know that when I booked to go from York to Carlton, on return it sent me back to Netherfield as there was a better connection.” This is the result of new information online which shows how to connect between our two stations. Previously it ignored the existance of any connection.

A person alighting from the 11.42am Lincoln to Leicester train comes straight up to me and says, “What platform do I want from Nottingham?” Fortunately, the train hadn’t departed so they were able to get back on.

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SIDELINES: Submissions by local councils are being made to the Department of Transport to say what train services they would like to see in the new franchise which commences in Spring 2018. It will include a request for hourly services at Netherfield and Radcliffe.

A new cycle shop has opened within the car park building at Nottingham Station. It is open between 7am and 7pm. Cycle repairs and sales will be part of the business.

A planning application has been lodged for internal alterations to form a new café at Newark Castle Station.

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