New measures are now being put into place on buses across the borough to ensure passengers can social distance while on board Nottingham City Transport services
The buses now have signage encouraging people on board to social distance and window stickers will remind them of health and safety measures in place as they travel.
Passengers are now also being reminded of the new safer travel guidance before travelling on an NCT service…
Boarding the bus
When waiting at the bus stop, keep 2 metres away from other people, where possible.
Please pay for your journey using a pre-paid method such as the NCTX Buses app, an Easyrider smart card or Robin Hood card.
Our exact fare cash payment method means you can still pay with cash. This applies to all NCT routes, including those where drivers normally give change and customers on the 1, 26 and 49 will need to pay with the correct money only.
Have your fare, pass, ticket or app ready when the bus arrives to minimise the time taken to board. Activate your NCTX Buses app ticket when the bus is in sight.
Wait for people to get off the bus before you board and only board the bus one at a time.

Where to sit
The firm say they have removed some seats from use to assist with social distancing, but it is passengers responsibility to keep a safe distance from other people, when they can. There are situations where this may not be possible, for example on busier services and at busier times of day.
When you can and space allows, you should also sit in the window seat only, try and sit a row of seats away from other people and make use of the upper deck, where there is one.
Wheelchairs and Pushchairs
There will be reduced capacity for pushchairs due to social distancing measures.
NCT said that drivers will continue to deploy the ramp when required, but customers should wait at least 2m away from the door, to allow the driver to deploy the ramp and maintain social distance.
When getting off the bus, passengers with pushchairs should press the bell and wait in the bay until the driver has deployed the ramp and then moved away from the bus, to give you social distance.
On a journey
NCT said there may be situations where passengers can’t keep a suitable distance from people, for example:
- when boarding or alighting
- on busier services
- at busier times of day
- when walking through bus stations and interchanges.
In these cases the travel firm recommends you avoid physical contact, try to face away from other people, and keep the time you spend near others as short as possible. They said: “If you can, wear a face covering on public transport”.
NCT said they have removed some seats from use to assist with social distancing, but it is passengers responsibility to keep a safe distance from other people, when they can.
I’ll give it a miss, thanks.