Sunday, February 16, 2025
2.9 C

They asked – you let them know: Residents tell police where to catch speeding drivers in Gedling borough


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Scores of people took up the challenge from Gedling borough police officers to tell them where they want to conduct speed checks carried out in the area.

Officers put out an appeal last week on social media inviting locals to let them know where they should be targeting their efforts.

Over the weekend officers carried out checks in Lambley, Burton Joyce, Calverton and Woodborough.

Officers said that drivers stuck to the speeding limit whilst they monitored a section of Spring Lane in Lambley. But despite not catching anyone going over the limit, they did seize a 4×4 which had been declared off-road.

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Officers seized this 4×4 during a patrol in Lambley

Police teams seized class B drugs and stopped three speeding drivers during a return visit to Main Street in Calverton after a similar operation last week. This time they targeted a different section of the main route through the village.

Only one speeding motorist was spotted and stopped on Church Road in Burton Joyce.

On Bank Hill in Woodborough three speeders were caught in around 30 minutes with the highest being 45mph in a 30 mph area.

A police spokesman said: “Following your suggestions we have been making the rounds at the areas you feel need us most.

“Anyone that has suggested a location that we haven’t been to yet, we will get there soon.”

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“Drivers: please remember to stick to the limits, which is especially important in residential zones. The cold dark days and nights are upon us and the weather and road conditions are only going to get worse.”

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  1. Police should also check Shearing Hill & Main Rd Gedling Village. Speeding motorists use these roads all the time. Speeds on excess of 60mph in a 30mph area

    • coopers brook daybrook down to nottingham they will catch speeding police all day long also noise pollution from sirens going all the time, this has been going on since central police was closed the noise in my kitchen is horrendous. why do have to travel from sherwood lodge to police nottingham beggars believe

  2. Interesting to read about the motoring
    There should be a permanent speed
    camera on Plains Rd. The speed info
    that is there is ignored. It has definitely
    been worse since the lockdowns.

  3. I would rather they concentrate on chasing real criminals of burglary, knife crimes, grooming etc. rather than pick on easy victims who are generally hard working law abiding, tax payers.

    • They don’t pick on “generally law abiding” people. Only people that break the law.
      It just so happens to be the law regarding traffic regulation.

  4. Sandfield Road, Arnold should be top of the list for speeding motorists. The junction of Sandfield Road and Thackeray/s lane is lethal. Massive artic lorries lorries are now using Sandfield Road very reguarly.

  5. Howbeck Road for a long time has been a race track, especially for motorcycles. The noise levels too are horrendous as they rev up.

  6. Vale road colwick needs speed cameras, it us being used as a racetrack every day and night very dangerous only a matter of time before a bad accident occurs


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