Friday, December 6, 2024
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Shorter summer holidays for borough pupils


Pupils across Gedling borough have shorter summer holidays and a two-week October half-term break from the 2019/20 academic year, it has been announced.

The move follows a six week consultation by Nottinghamshire County Council where more than 6,300 responses were received from parents, teaching staff, governors and trade unions.

More than 57% of those who responded preferred the new holiday pattern which will see a shorter five-week summer holiday, a two week October half term and a fixed spring break, which will be the first full two weeks of April.

Almost two-thirds, 2951 of 4937 parents responding were in favour of a shorter summer holiday, whereas 55%, 787 of 1419 of teachers/head teachers preferred the current pattern of a six week summer break, one week half term October break and a fixed spring break.

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Following approval at today’s Children and Young People’s Committee (Dec 18) the new holiday pattern will be effective from the 2019-20 academic year to 2022 -2023.

Committee chairman Councillor Philip Owen said he was delighted with the high level of engagement and response to the consultation.

He added: “Following the consultation we are responding to the wishes of a sizeable majority of parents across the county who have expressed a preference for the new pattern of school holidays.

“The two week break in October will hopefully benefit younger children feel less tired during the autumn term, so that they can approach the Christmas period still able to function effectively in their studies.”

Coun Owen also highlighted the fact that the current pattern meant that the second half of the summer term in some years was more than eight weeks and that was considered to be too long.

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Every district in Nottinghamshire, apart from Rushcliffe, preferred the new holiday pattern and more than two-thirds 67% out of county respondents preferred the shorter summer holiday and two week October half-term break.

The County Council is responsible for setting school holiday and term time dates for all community and voluntary controlled schools within Nottinghamshire. Foundation, Trust, Voluntary Aided schools and Academies are responsible for setting their own holiday patterns.

School holiday patterns must comprise 190 pupil days and 195 teacher days and it is advised that councils take account of what patterns are being adopted by neighbouring local authorities. Nottingham City Council already operates a five week summer break, a two week October half-term break and a fixed spring break. School holiday patterns in Leicestershire, Leicester City, Derbyshire and Derby City were also considered.

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