Saturday, February 8, 2025
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Council reveal which roads have been selected for repair work in Gedling borough


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Details of the residential roads set to benefit from the first slice of new highways funding in Gedling borough have been announced.

Nottinghamshire County Council revealed last month they would be spending an extra £20m to help upgrade roads in the region.

The first batch of improvements in 2018/9 – worth £3.25m – are due to begin in the spring, with 111 locations being targeted across the county.

These repairs will include resurfacing and surface dressing work. This is in addition to £15.7m due to be spent as part of the county’s annual roads maintenance budget.

This additional programme of repairs is due to get formal approval by councillors at next Thursday’s Community and Place committee (March 8) when the county’s overall highways plans and budgets for 2018/9 is also due to be discussed.

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Nottinghamshire County Councillor John Cottee, Community and Place committee chairman said: “This extra money is being used to mainly target roads in residential areas, some of which have been neglected for many years.

“We have taken on-board feedback from residents when drawing this list together as many of these locations have been suggested by local council councillors, on behalf of their communities, and then closely assessed by our highways team.

“We’ve found these particular 111 roads are likely to deteriorate in the next few years, so it makes good sense to invest in them now to avoid larger repair bills in years to come.

“Our plan is to make the right repair at the right time. However, with 2,600 miles of roads in our network, we know this money won’t solve every problem and we can’t approve every request, but this additional programme of repairs will make a good start when it comes to getting the quality, safer road network for Nottinghamshire we all want.”


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This extra investment will come from savings made to the Council’s capital programme, taking the total capital budget for highways to £142m over the next four years – the most spent on roads in Nottinghamshire in more than a decade.

Details of a further 97 locations where £2.17m worth of Department of Transport pothole funding will be spent in 2018/9 was also published today, subject to final assessments.
Councillor Cottee added: “We know that potholes continue to be the number one highways concern for many of our residents.
“We also have £2m available via our annual national funding to specifically prioritise potholes in most need of repair to help ensure our roads are safe.

“Via East Midlands, which manages highways services on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council, regularly check the County’s roads for safety defects such as potholes but, for some roads this is only practical every year.
“We really appreciate the way that hundreds of local residents are playing their part by getting in touch with us directly online or ringing us to give us location details and in some cases, a photo, where they have spotted a pothole. This has helped us put together the programme for 2018/9 but this list is by no means exhaustive and will be reviewed throughout the year.”

For more information about potholes, including when and how they are fixed, visit Nottinghamshire County Council’s pothole FAQs page.

Work will take place on following roads as agreed today:

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C167 Main Road junction with C166 Westdale Lane, Gedling – Resurfacing
Cromwell Street, Carlton – Resurfacing
First Avenue, Carlton – Resurfacing
Hallam Road, Mapperley – Resurfacing
Cromwell Street, Carlton – Resurfacing
First Avenue, Carlton – Resurfacing
Hallam Road, Mapperley – Resurfacing
Fraser Road, Carlton – Resurfacing
Haywood Road, Mapperley – Resurfacing
High Street, Arnold – Resurfacing
Kent Road, Mapperley – Micro Asphalt
Main Street, Burton Joyce – Micro Asphalt
Mays Avenue, Carlton – Resurfacing
Moore Road, Mapperley – Micro Asphalt
Park Road, Calverton – Surface Dressing
Pierrepont Avenue, Gedling – Resurfacing
Sandford Road, Mapperley – Micro Asphalt
Woodside Drive, Arnold – Micro Asphalt

These roads will get extra surface dressing to add protection to the road and enhance skid resistance:

B6011 Main Street, Linby – Surface Dressing
Baker Avenue, Arnold – Micro Asphalt
Birchfield Road, Arnold – Micro Asphalt
Cedar Grove, Arnold – Micro Asphalt
Chestnut Grove, Arnold – Micro Asphalt
Coronation Road / Bonington Road, Woodthorpe – Micro Asphalt
Dalbeattie Close, Arnold – Micro Asphalt
Gleneagles Drive, Arnold – Micro Asphalt
Hawthorn Crescent, Arnold – Micro Asphalt
Hillside Avenue, Mapperley – Micro Asphalt
Jenned Road, Arnold – Micro Asphalt
Kilbourne Road, Arnold – Micro Asphalt
Kirkley Gardens, Arnold – Micro Asphalt
Larkspur Avenue, Arnold – Micro Asphalt
Marwood Road, Carlton – Micro Asphalt

Network structural patching/DfT Pothole fund

This programme is over subscribed given predicted funding available for this budget block. Final programme will be determined through site assessment and those sites not delivered during 2018/19 will be considered for delivery during 2019/20

Addison Road, Carlton Hill (TBD)
Albert Street, Gedling (£25k-50k)
Bennett Road, Mapperley (TBD)
Birch Avenue, Carlton (£10k-£25k)
Cantley Avenue, Gedling (£10k-£25k)
Hickling Road, Mapperley (£10k)
Hilton Road, Mapperley (£10k-£25k)
Kenrick Road, Mapperley (TBD)
Kensington Gardens, Carlton (£10k – £25k)
Lodge Farm Lane, Arnold (TBD)
Marshall Hill Drive, Mapperley (£25k – £50k)
Milton Drive, Ravenshead (TBD)
Morris Street, Netherfield (TBD)
Oakfieldwood Drive, Ravenshead (TBD)
Priory Avenue, Ravenshead (TBD)
Robinson Road, Mapperley (£25k-£50k)
Roundwood Road, Daybrook (TBD)
Rowan Avenue, Ravenshead (£10k)
Somersby Road, Woodthorpe (TBD)
Standhill Road, Carlton (TBD)
Towes Mount, Carlton (£10k-£25k)
Welbeck Avenue, Gedling (£10k-£25k)
Whittingham Road, Mapperley (£10k-£25k)
Wood End Drive, Ravenshead (£10k)

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  1. Didn’t see Church Street on here, first 200 yards shake the s**t out of our cars. But then again their are no councillors living up here and Arnold town centre needs another revamp …yet again.


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