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Residents invited to have say on plans to sell off Mapperley community centre


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A council is urging residents to have their say on proposals to sell off a community centre in Mapperley.

Gedling Borough Council has sent a letter to local residents this week outlining reasons why the community centre in Haywood Road needs to be sold off.

In the letter, seen by Gedling Eye, the council states: “The cost of buildings that we run is one of our most significant outgoings which is why we’ve been looking into which buildings to keep, which need money spending on them and which could be operated in a different way.

“Haywood Road Community Centre is approximately 100 years old and is in need of significant investment to bring it up to modern standards.

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“Gedling Borough Council has relatively few sites in its ownership that it is able to sell to generate money to invest in local services or to prevent reductions in local services. Haywood Road Community Centre is one of those sites, being potentially suitable for a small housing development.”

The council has announced that their cabinet will be asked to consider selling the community centre in February next year.

They say the key factors for the sale are an estimated capital receipt in the region of £500,000; the estimated cost of repairs and refurbishment to the community centre in the region of £100,000 and also an opportunity to provide up to 11 new family homes.

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In the letter the council’s John Robinson adds: “If the Cabinet do decide to sell the site, further and more detailed consultation will then take place as part of the Planning process. This will cover the design and layout of the site and the number and type of housing to be provided.”

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Local residents have now formed an action group to fight the proposed plans

A spokesperson for Save Haywood Road Community Centre said: “This [area] is the only remaining piece of publicly-owned green space in Porchester Gardens.

“There is also a severe shortage of children’s play areas in  the area, which has been highlighted in Gedling’s Local Plan.

“If the green space became a local park and playground it would be very well used by the high volume of local residents and families and would become a valuable community asset in itself.

“It’s really important that we keep the Community Centre and Bowling Green for the community, rather than allowing it to be sold off for housing.”

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The deadline for making comments is December 16

People should write to Katie Walters, the council’s lead property officer, Gedling Borough Council, Civic Centre, Arnot Hill Park, Arnold, Nottingham, NG5 6LU or email

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