Friday, February 14, 2025
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Residents in Gedling borough urged to ‘unite against dementia’


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A local charity is teaming up with Gedling Borough Council to encourage people in the area to unite against dementia.

The Alzheimer’s Society in Gedling is encouraging residents in the borough to become Dementia Friends during Dementia Awareness Week

Dementia Friends are asked to learn a little bit more about what it’s like to live with dementia and then turn that understanding into action by either spreading the word about the Dementia Friends scheme or visiting someone they know living with the disease – every action counts.

Already more than 1.9 million people have become Dementia Friends across the country.

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There will be a free 45-minute interactive Dementia Friends Information Session on Friday, May 19 at Gedling Borough Council’s Civic Centre in Arnold  at 2pm.

The sessions are run by volunteer Dementia Friends Champions and they will be the first to be run with the council this year.

Mark Towlson, Gedling Borough Council’s Dementia Champion said: “Dementia can affect a person’s relationships and their connection to the world they love, leaving them feeling isolated and alone. By becoming a Dementia Friend you can help keep people connected to their lives and people who matter most.

“This year, Alzheimer’s Society is asking people to come together to unite against dementia, forgetting their differences to help urgently find a cure, improve care, and offer help and understanding during Dementia Awareness Week.”

Ian Hind, Dementia Friends Officer for Alzheimer’s Society in the East Midlands, said: “We’re calling on people in Gedling to show their support at the awareness session on Friday 19 May this Dementia Awareness Week.

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“Dementia doesn’t care who you are; it could affect us all. It’s set to be the 21st century’s biggest killer, with someone developing it every three minutes, and so many people are facing it alone.

“People with dementia often feel – and are – misunderstood, marginalised and isolated but with the right support and understanding they can continue to live fulfilling lives and make a contribution to their communities. So, unite with us now and join us on Friday.”

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