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REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY: People in Gedling borough are being urged to stand on doorstep for two-minute silence


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People in Gedling borough are being encouraging to stand on their doorstep to mark a two-minute silence for Remembrance Sunday this weekend.

With ceremonies, services and parades being cancelled or moving online across Gedling borough, the Royal British Legion has said that a doorstep silence is a way for residents to “still play their part from home”. 

It comes after thousands of households across the borough took to their doorsteps to applaud the NHS during lockdown.


At 11:00 GMT on Sunday, a two-minute silence will be held across the UK.

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Freda Rowe, who lives in Carlton, contacted Gedling Eye and asked us to promote the scheme.

“I’m just glad something is being organised,” she said.

“My dad was one of the brave soldiers who fought in the war and I was worried all the Remembrance events would just be all hidden away online this year due to the virus.

“I’ll be proudly going outside at 11am and will be thinking not just about my father, but everyone who gave so much for our country.”

For the first time in its history, the National Service of Remembrance at the Cenotaph in central London will not be open to the public – it normally attracts huge crowds every year.

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Members of the royal family and political officials, as well as recognised armed forces, are still expected to mark the occasion with strict social distancing.

Poppy sellers have also been unable to sell the red flowers this year to raise money for the Royal British Legion, with the charity having to come up with alternative ways to fundraise.

You can donate and download a poppy poster for your window on the Royal British Legion website here:

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  1. Remembrance Day/Armistice Day is on 11th November, and has been every year since King George V instigated it in 1919. As a Veteran I am grateful for the Public’s support, but ask that a 2 minute silence is conducted at home, in your garden, or at your workplace on Wednesday 11th November; not as suggested on the nearest Sunday which has absolutely nothing to do with it.


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