Residents who use a recycling centre in Calverton are being asked to complete a one-off free registration if they want to continue visiting the site in the future.
Nottinghamshire County Council, who run the site in Hollinwood Lane, is launching the free registration scheme at all 12 of its centres this autumn.
Many of the council’s 12 sites – which are all located close to the borders with neighbouring counties – end up handling waste brought in by users from outside Nottinghamshire, which increases costs.
The council hopes the new scheme will ensure only people from across the county use the sites and help cut down the amount of waste being handled by the facility each year.
Councillor Jim Creamer, chairman of the county council’s environment and sustainability committee, said: “Because of the closeness of many of our recycling centres to the borders of the county, a significant number of users come from outside Nottinghamshire
“In 2014/15, around 85,000 tonnes of waste was deposited at our recycling centres. Stopping out-of-county residents from using Nottinghamshire’s sites should have a significant impact on overall tonnages, and therefore associated disposal costs.
“An additional benefit is that it could also improve waiting times at the centres for Notts residents.”
The simple registration process can be completed online from March 21 at the county council’s website, or by calling the customer service centre on 0300 500 80 80.
There will be no physical permit to display but vehicle checks will be undertaken on-site using hand-held devices.
From the autumn, If a vehicle is found not to be registered, the council will be notified and out-of-county users will be advised to use their own local authority sites.
Why would someone drive all the way to Nottingham from another county to get rid of their rubbish instead of one nearer in their own county?
If you live near a border the nearest facility may be in a neighbouring county. It works two ways though and some Notts residents may take their rubbish out of the county. Net effect of closing boundaries is same amount of rubbish, more travelling and expense of scanners and admin.
Without ANPR you have no data to suggest that vehicles outside the county are using different centres. The whole scheme is a sham and is another way to control. All this will do is add to the fly tipping epidemic thus causing your figures on wastage at each site to reduce. You must think people are really stupid.
If you register with say Calverton, does it mean you can use any tip in Nottinghamshire?
You register with Notts CC and it covers all of their recycling centres. I don’t know if other Councils (Nottingham City, Leics, Derbys etc) will exclude Notts CC residents from their sites!
Regerstering FL15FUU and Fl 19LRF post code NG5 7FF
I have registered my vehicles before but I thought I would make sure.
Regards, j hudson