Tuesday, February 18, 2025
4.1 C

Recycling registration reminder to Calverton centre users


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People who use a recycling facility in Calverton are being reminded to register their vehicle with the council by September if they wish to continue using the service.

Nottinghamshire County Council, who run the site in Hollinwood Lane, is launching the registration scheme as part of plans to reduce costs by £200,000 each year.

The scheme aims to prevent people from outside the county using the council’s facilities. As well as saving money, the council say the move will also improve the quality of service by cutting down on waiting times for local residents.

Councillor Jim Creamer, chairman of the county council’s environment and sustainability committee, said: “Because of the closeness of many of our recycling centres to the borders of the county, a significant number of users come from outside Nottinghamshire

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“In 2014/15, around 85,000 tonnes of waste was deposited at our recycling centres. Stopping out-of-county residents from using Nottinghamshire’s sites should have a significant impact on overall tonnages, and therefore associated disposal costs.

“An additional benefit is that it could also improve waiting times at the centres for Notts residents.”

Why register?

If the registration number of the vehicle you use when visiting a recycling centre after September has not been registered with the council, you won’t be allowed to use the recycling centre once the scheme is enforced.

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You can register at the county council’s website, nottscc.gov.uk/registertorecycle or by calling the customer service centre on 0300 500 80 80.

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