Friday, February 14, 2025
2.8 C

Ravenshead pensioner receives Legion d’Honneur


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A Ravenshead war hero was yesterday presented with France’s greatest military honour at a reception held in his honour.

Nonagenarian Don Sutton was presented with the Legion d’Honneur at the reception held at Gedling Borough Council’s Civic Centre in Arnold.

The award was presented to Mr Sutton by French Consul in the east Midlands, Jean-Claude Lafontaine.

99-year-old Mr Sutton received the award for his role in helping liberate France from Germany during the Second World War.

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His regiment, the North Somerset Yeomanry, one of the last horseback regiments who fought on horseback, played a large role in the liberation of France.

Also in attendance will be Mr Sutton’s family, his carers and senior military officers including the Vice Lord Lieutenant.

The Mayor of Gedling will also be present along with Councillors and members of Gedling Borough Council’s senior leadership team.

Cllr Meredith Lawrence was one of the dignitaries who attended the event.

In a Facebook post he wrote: “It was an honour to hear about Don’s military life: we owe so much to men and women like him.”

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