Residents are being invited to have their say on new plans for a new cemetery and natural burial ground on land near Arnold.
Planners have said that on the basis of a recognised need for additional burial space in Arnold (the existing cemetery has nearly reached its capacity) a local landowner (Mr Gary Davis) has been is discussion with officers from Gedling Borough Council resulting in proposals for a new Cemetery and Natural Burial Ground at Ramsdale Park, George’s Lane, Arnold.
Local funeral directors are said to be in full support of the proposals.

To enable public input on the scheme an exhibition is taking place at Arnold Methodist Church, 54 Front Street, Arnold on Tuesday, January 30 between 3.00pm and 7.00pm.
This will give the public an opportunity to view the plans on display and provide the planning team with their views. The consultants behind the scheme will be available to discuss the project and the public will also be given the chance to provide their view on a name for the proposed burial ground.
For more information, you can contact Armstrong Rigg Planning on 01234 867135. You can also email them at: