An application to demolish an existing single storey office and two industrial buildings and erection of 5 multi-purpose industrial units that was refused by Gedling Borough Council Planning has been re-submitted.
The initial application was received on behalf of Radford Holdings Ltd. relating to a site at Park House Mile End Road, Colwick, Nottinghamshire, NG4 2DW was refused in May 2023 for three reasons.

Details contained in a Planning and Access statement provided by EJD in support of the re-submission addresses the three reasons cited in the initial planning application refusal stating that:
- The first reason related to the perception that the proposal would be overbearing and would overshadow immediate neighbouring properties. To remove the perception that the proposal would be considered overbearing the scheme has been redesigned to more closely replicate the existing site layout. It now sits further away from neighbouring residential properties when compared to the previous proposal. To address the overshadowing comment, specialists have been commissioned to review the revised layout and prepare an overshadowing report based on the revised layout. This concludes that there would be no adverse impacts, but on the contrary there would be reduced shading within the gardens of two dwellings to the north when compared to the existing site. It was also referenced in the first reason for refusal that the proposal would result in significant noise issues. The noise report has been updated with clear references made to the fact that the proposal has been assessed on the basis that the end users would be B2/B8 users, with no adverse impact predicted on residential properties.
- The second reason provided was that the Flood Risk Assessment was not considered to comply with the requirements for site specific Flood Risk Assessments. The Flood Risk Assessment has been updated to address this.
- The third and final reason noted that the Land Contamination Assessment did not contain the Phase 1 Geo-Environmental Report. Whilst this was provided during the determination process, it was still noted as a reason for refusal. This resubmission contains the Phase 1 GeoEnvironmental Report

The site is bound to the north by residential properties and to the east by industrial units. To the south is Mile End Road, across which is a narrow wooded belt and grassed area beyond which is further residential and industrial development. To the west is residential development accessed from Colwick Manor Farm.
The site is currently used as a mix of office and industrial use buildings.

The Planning and Access statement further states that the units are all single storey in height in similarity to the existing unit which they are to replace and that access will continue to be from Mile End Road. The existing eastern access is to be stopped up with a kerb installed over the existing opening and the site is proposed to accommodates 30 parking spaces including two disabled bays.
Full details relating to planning application 2024/0069 can be accessed HERE
Full details relating to the initial planning application 2023/0183 that was refused can be accessed HERE
What do you expect, the hard up Nottingham council / planners only
allow plans for new housing or student accomodation ( see new build schemes throughout Nottm.)
see what I mean !!!