A planning application submitted to Gedling Borough Council from DV8 Designs Limited of Warrington acting as agent on behalf of Greene King for proposed external works at The Vale, Woodthorpe, 780 Mansfield Road, NG5 3GG has been given the green light by Gedling borough planners following amendment.

The decision notice dated February 12 describes the proposed works as ‘New resin ground finishes to replace external damaged tarmac to front of public house and two 4m wide jumbrellas’.
A published recommendation sheet authorised by the Service Manager Development Services/Principal Planning Officer advises that the original planning application included proposed timber posts and astro turf however amended plans were submitted to address the concerns of Officers and the Conservation Officer; these omitted the proposed timber posts and astroturf.
A design and access statement provided by DV8 as part of the original application stated that the proposal also aimed to revamp the external seating area to the front of the building.

Full planning details can be accessed on Planning Application No.2023/0671 HERE.