Friday, February 7, 2025
4.3 C

PLANNING: 54 new properties proposed for Mapperley Plains site

Access into the development is proposed from Shipley Close, which is within the adjacent residential development


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An application has been received by Gedling Borough Council for Erection of 54 dwellings (38 open market and 16 affordable dwellings), along with the provision of associated public open space and infrastructure on land to the rear of Coppice Farmhouse, Mapperley Plains.

Grace Machin Planning & Property of Nottingham have submitted the application, acting as agents on behalf of Cameron Homes, Staffordshire.

A Design And Access statement provided in support of the application by White Ridge Architecture on behalf of Cameron Homes states that the scheme has been designed to integrate to the existing residential development to the north with a seamless design approach. Access into the development has been taken from Shipley Close, which is within the adjacent residential development that is currently under construction and that the detached dwellings are primarily situated along the main street, fronting Mapperley Plains and the public open space.

The planning application states that 155 new parking spaces are proposed in the development and that the properties proposed are as follows:

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  • 38 X Market Houses – 14 X 3 bedroom & 24 X 4+ bedroom properties
  • 11 X Social, Affordable or Intermediate Rent – 5 X 2 bedroom & 6 X 3 bedroom properties
  • 5 X Affordable Home Ownership – 5 X 2 bedroom properties
IMAGE: Access arrangements for the proposed development (Courtesy of Gedling Borough Council planning)

The Design and Access statement further states that the application site extends to approximately 2.11ha of greenfield land located on the western side of Mapperley Plains. Until very recently, the site fell within the Green Belt area; however, this site, along with the land immediately adjoining it to the north was removed from the green belt and allocated for housing under Site Allocation Reference H7 (Howbeck Road / Mapperley Plains) within Policy LD64 of the adopted Gedling Borough LPD, July 2018

IMAGE: Proposed layout and makeup of properties )Courtesy of Gedling Borough Council planning)

It is also proposed that a separate Reserved Matters application is to be submitted for the three dwellings, so that this proposal forms a part of a cohesive part of the wider residential development through this Full Planning application. The site is currently occupied by a disused building which was historically been used as a pig sty. The stable block is fronted by an area of concrete hardstanding and vegetation.

Further details regarding Planning Application 2023/0926 can be accessed HERE.

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