An application has been received by Gedling Borough Council for 12 new apartments (instead of 9) at 146 Breck Hill Road, Mapperley, Nottingham, NG3 5JP.
The property has already been built and the application refers to the internal layout of the structure only.
A Design And Access statement provided in support of the application confirms that the application site has the benefit of an existing planning consent for 9 Studios and 2 nos 2+1 Bedroom flats at No. 146, granted under planning application reference 2021/1420.

Echinus Design Studio Ltd, London who are acting as agents on behalf of AG Development and Real Estate Ltd., 151 Breck Hill Road, Nottingham, NG3 5JP now wish the apartment block to contain 12 apartments including bin and cycle storage.
The new planning application states that the applicant wishes to ‘Revise existing approved planning application to increase the number of flats’.

The Design and Access statement further states that no alteration of the existing layout that was granted (application 2021/1420) is proposed and acknowledges that the character and appearance of the development was a key consideration at the time of the original planning application.

Within the new application, there is no changing with existing approval in terms of layout and the proposed changes will just increase the number of units.
Further details regarding Planning Application 2023/0672 can be accessed HERE.
Surely there’s room for another tenant in that portaloo in the garden?
How do these plans get the go ahead, it amazes me.