Plans to build 19 industrial units with an accompanying 138 parking spaces and 56 cycle spaces at the former Total Site in Colwick are to be considered by Gedling Borough Council.
The site, which was formerly a major fuel distribution centre for Total Petroleum but has been unused since 2019, is located off Colwick Loop Road in Colwick Industrial Estate.
The application was submitted by Savills of Reading on behalf of Chancerygate (Nottingham) Limited.

Industrial developer Chancerygate acquired the 6.35-acre site from commercial property development and investment company, City Estates to speculatively build industrial and warehousing space in 2021. Founded in 1995, Chancerygate is the UK’s largest multi-unit industrial developer and asset manager and the only one operating nationwide at the time of the acquisition.

The application for the development on the former petrochemical storage and distribution facility development describes the proposal as ‘The erection of industrial and warehouse units (Use Classes E(g)(iii), B2 and B8) together with access and servicing arrangements, parking, landscaping, boundary fencing and associated works’.
Development of the 2.52 hectare site will result in an internal floorspace (including changes of use) of 12491.9 sq.m.

Further details regarding Planning Application 2024/0094 can be accessed HERE.