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New campaign urges businesses in Gedling borough to prepare for new £1 coin


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A new campaign has been launched to help retailers and major businesses in Gedling borough prepare for the launch of the historic new £1 coin early next year.

The government and Royal Mint want to help all businesses in the area affected as the 30-year-old pound coin is brought out of circulation and replaced with a new 12-sided version.

The new pound coin will be the most secure of its kind in the world, to combat counterfeiters who have around 45 million counterfeit £1 coins currently in circulation.

New security features include a hologram-like image that changes from a ‘£’ symbol to the number ‘1’ when the coin is seen from different angles. It also has micro-lettering and milled edges.

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All cash handling businesses should take the following steps before March 2017:

  • check whether they operate equipment that handles the £1 coin
  • contact their equipment supplier to find out if they need to make any adaptations or upgrades
  • make the necessary changes to their coin handling equipment
  • train their staff on the features of the new £1 coin
  • make arrangements with their bank or cash in transit provider to return the current £1 coin and new £1 coin in separate packaging

David Gauke, the Chief Secretary to the Treasury, said: “The pound as we know it will not be round for much longer. The introduction of this new £1 coin will be a highly significant event and we are working with The Royal Mint to ensure key industries are ready and to ensure a smooth transition.

“The new £1 coin will be the most secure of its kind in the world and its cutting-edge features will present a significant barrier to counterfeiters, reducing the cost to businesses and the taxpayer.

Adam Lawrence, Chief Executive of The Royal Mint, said: “We are hugely proud of the new 12-sided £1 coin, which has been designed using cutting edge technology at our South Wales site.

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“We would encourage business owners to visit the website as soon as possible, to find out how the new £1 coin could affect their business and what steps they need to take to prepare for the launch of the coin in March 2017.

Businesses  should visit the New Pound Coin website to find out how to get ready for the change, and to download helpful materials to help educate and train staff.

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