Saturday, February 8, 2025
2.4 C

Neighbourhood police officers help enforce social distancing measures across Gedling borough


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Neighbourhood police officers have been patrolling Gedling borough to enforce social distancing measures.

Officers are enforcing the government’s latest guidelines to help stop the spread of coronavirus.

Sgt Mike Ebbins from Carlton Neighbourhood Police Team, said “It is pleasing to see that most of our community are taking heed of the government’s advice by staying at home and not gathering in groups.

PICTURED: The new measures are to halt the spread of coronavirus

“People need to be sensible and continue to adhere to the simple instructions provided.

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“My team are there to stop groups of people congregating and to ensure people are only making essential journeys. If you have questions or concerns feel free to speak to the officers from a safe distance.

People can only leave their homes for one of the four following reasons: shopping for basic necessities; one form of exercise per day; any medical need or to care for a vulnerable person; or for travel to work if absolutely necessary.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in an address to the nation on last Monday, said police will have powers to enforce these rules.

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