Sunday, February 16, 2025
4.2 C

Morrisons in Netherfield slashes prices to help with rising cost of living

The supermarket giant, which has a store at Victoria Retail Park, has reduced the price of 820 products


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To help customers in Gedling borough with the cost of living crisis, Morrisons in Netherfield is reducing the price of 1000 products this January.

The supermarket giant, which has a store at Victoria Retail Park, has reduced the price of 820 products as it looks to help shoppers during the cost-of-living crisis, taking the total number of cuts available to over 1,000.

All price cuts are locked in for a minimum of eight weeks as the supermarket hopes to help customers through January and beyond.

Items including pears, potatoes, aubergines, sandwich fillers and sirlion steaks have seen 20% price drops on average.

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As well as its own-label products, the grocery retailers price cuts have also been added to sweet treats, shampoo, washing detergents and big brands including Yeo Valley, Warburtons and San Miguel.

“Today’s cuts demonstrate our continued commitment to doing all we can to help when it comes to the cost of grocery shopping,” Morrisons chief executive, David Potts said.

“In addition to the cuts we made to the Savers range at the start of the month and then our fuel promotion, we’re now cutting the price on even more popular products to help make a positive difference to the pockets of our customers.”

This news comes as Morrisons invested over £16 million to slash prices across 50% of its Savers range earlier this month to help shoppers following added Christmas expenses.

This saw prices reduced on 130 products including fresh and frozen food, as well a cupboard essentials and household items.

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  1. Yes feel the same don’t go in now they put all there prices up we used to get gluten free there prices started creeping up after they was taken over it’s hard when you have celiac disease might take a look to day to see if they knocked any thing off this


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